Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Do You Have To Dilute Green Soap Tattoo

Sufi school of love

(eBook - German) Sufi school of love

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How Much Does Epsom Salt Cost In Bangalore

Int 2012

Have you ever wondered why seen on the dollar bill is a pyramid, or why on the ticket the words "New World Order" are on it. No? And why, you do not live in the U.S..

I could share with you in 2 hours and 20 minutes. large and broad to explain but here I refer, dear (please click) on Alex Jones and its Internet movie (that is freely available to all) END GAME-Blueprint for Global Enslavement

Here the film in German. In English, but he comes across much better! If their English can see, it looks sure to you in English.
END GAME (German)

This film is very good at what it at the New Wolrd Order "goes and proves my opinion, much, if not all ...

Here is a brief summary of the film.
The film shows that almost every U.S. president repeatedly speaks of the New World Order or NWO (New World Order). This is a box connection, the tip of the Ugle (United Grand Lodge of England) is, it belong in the lower ranks of the "water-carrier of the system" to what the City of London, the Pilgrims-Society is one of the Round Table, the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Royal Institute for International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and infinitely many sub-organizations.

This organization (s), but only following "the United States" because they constitute the instrument that would like to be the sole ruler of the earth, know all men's sharpest checked and know above all the people in the world REDUCED. After all 6 billion people are just too hard to control. If it were up to the U.S. to the whole world up to 300-500 million human lives. This then crammed into zones, so that the rest of the world's richest people can visit undisturbed, while the ground work for the rich. Not really much different than it is now, but with much more stringent laws. Namely the "Martial Law". To German martial Law or the laws of war. So with violence pura!

This policy, which is the major objectives of assert, is operated secretly in almost every country in the world. Whether it's through extortion of the countries through conquest (robbery) or by consent of the politicians. But it's vorran slowly. What the NWO has also set in Germany for example, the bar code when shopping, cashless pay, the fingerprint in the passport and much more, see Film. In terms of Europe, Europe itself was created, ie the EU, the euro, no limits, the truck toll, etc., etc. .. Yes, the EU was created by the U.S. as a great "country" is lighter than 30 small to govern. Logical.

All what the United States still lacks an event which the world population is greatly reduced. The following have insziniert the U.S. to reduce the world population, but you were not very successful, because the methods were all "too slow".

- AIDS has grown from U.S. laboratories and marketed in Africa in circulation
- The Ebola virus also
- The one-child policy in China is in the U.S.
- forced abortion of handicapped fetuses was in the United States carried out secret
- Large advertising campaigns for sterilization.
- Whatever makes cancer is supported by the U.S. (eg fluoride in toothpaste )
- And in addition to the spoils of war, it pleased the USA of course very same time when many people die in their wars

But there are many more ...

Ok, what has this got to do with 2012?

2012 Ends of the Mayan calendar, old sum Rische, Greek, Asian, Indian and Native American texts all refers to 2012.



No, dear people. No chance.

It is stated (in the modern New Age): 2012, a large planet called Nibiru come back.
come back here to say that a planet in its rotation, which lasts 3600 years, our sun, very close "fly" past the earth is. He could also be as early as 2010 or even later than in 2012. We will still jedenafalla noticed in this life. They may be only a few years! What a coincidence that began 3,600 years ago the Mayan calendar. The Maya did so it because they have experienced it myself and maybe wanted to warn us that 2012 is their calendar ends.

What does it mean for us when a planet on the earth by sausst? The planet of which we speak is supposedly 4 or 5 times larger and more massive than Earth. If such a gigantic mass moves to a small mass. Does that mean in plain text:

- Super quakes around the world. No stone is left unturned.
- hurricanes with up to 250 km / h
- up to 500 meters high Tidal waves that can flood up to 150km from 400km inland.
- Volcanic eruptions in almost everywhere in the world (but only where there are also now volcanoes, or where times that were!)
- also brings the planet is a toxic to humans and animals red cloud of dust with it, presumably for 3 days on the earth's raining.
- And what of the tail of the planet Nibiru also brings are asteroids hitting the ground like bombs.
- also can lead to occasional firestorms (vorwiegent in volcano near) Perfect

for the U.S. and their New World Order. Age insiders estimate a 70-80% reduction in world population!
But I shit on the NWO. Nibiru first tackle and survive. Then I'll deal with the U.S. ^ ^

But seriously. Can you give the ball right now, or should we would rather build a bunker?

Dear people, please do not give the ball. First build bunkers and watching what happens OK? :-)

The threats to the planet can you stand in a bunker to the right in the place survive relatively well.
times we go through it briefly.

- Super quake = Get out of the bunker's free field
- hurricanes means pure in the Bunker
- floods in from the front bunker = built on more than 400 meters above sea level
- volcanic eruptions = not Bunker near-vulcanizing (eg in the Eifel) build
- toxic dust cloud means pure in the Bunker
- Asteroids means pure in the Bunker

- Super quake + hurricane = get out of the bunker and into a plastic dome (more on that later) .
- Super quake + = toxic cloud out of the bunker and into a plastic dome.
- Super quake + = very dangerous meteor shower, one must assess whether the shelter can withstand the quake, or whether one is safe in the plastic dome! (Maybe not as many meteors fall, then I would stay in the dome. If the fire but solid, then go spend it in the bunker)

Since we now know that the U.S. pull out all of the world in his hand and It only welcome, that 70-80% of the world population will die, there will be no official warnings from the government. Not even the Germans because Germany will also be governed by the United States. Just like almost all other countries in the world. But rather the governments of individual countries which do everything to make this case is not made public. For these politicians, including German, it was have participated in this Bilderberg meeting. And therefore aufmucken in their country not be the cause.

are formed even its information services. In order to create confusion around Nibiru. It'll be talking ridiculous, of course, is totally controlled the TV. Web pages are closed, etc., etc. ... Time see how long this site will be online .... In my research on Nibiru about 50% of the US-American websites were to call no more, been made so! You could see it while in Google, because Google has a web store, but click on it when nothing came. Or to show links to other good Nibiruseiten supposedly incredibly good photos of Nibiru, could no longer call.

Katkam for me now no more proof, because I do not really believe what he says Zeta Talk. They say, Nibiru are currently (July 2008) between the earth and the sun. If this is true it is with all the images on Zeta Talk right and then there are the on Katkam. But as I said Zeta Talk is with caution enjoy.

Here are the links to Katkam

This website the last 3 to 4 years every 1 to 5 minutes or automatically photos have been made. Just like that, as a hobby. With a beautiful sea view. You can apply there every day to each time the message of the last 3 to 4 years.

I have not been counted but there must be several hundred thousand photos. You can sometimes (if were on the day no clouds) Nibiru see very well (if it is). For example, at 03 June 2006 20:20 to 8:52 p.m.! I have Ettlich images on my plate. It is certain secure. Maybe this page will soon be made. Or it's just just disinformation. Who knows ... But if the boy has forged several thousand photos, he would always have one full-time job with it.

people spühren things. This much is certain. If something is up, then there is a strong momentum. Usually there is this anywhere, so TV, newspaper, radio, Internet. Reporter spühren something or grab something on by accident and have rolled out the railway. But not this time! We remember Dess information groups and top secret. Who wants to chatter is silenced, or ridiculed. Or "set aside" made it.

The dear good internet but can not aside create
;-) That was and is my focus, unfortunately (almost) my only ...
In YouTube I look inside almost every day. Sometimes there are videos just hours after they are above deleted.

Please click on the category of "Nibiru reference / evidence".

Record Propellerhead Authorization

Photo Gallery Denver. Airport

"Click" images to enlarge

Latin For Female Horse


درایور Ubtcr500-b

Mysterious murals and sculpture at the Denver Airport

In 1995, Denver International Airport opened its doors to the public. What the audience saw in this huge compound was amazing, confusing, and .... Weird.
Before some of the sights Denver, explore let's take a look at how the airport came to be, for the very construction of the building is shrouded in as much secrecy as the end result.
Usually when a project of this magnitude carried out, a building contractor from start to monitor the end. This is a continuity of the original vision to ensure and to remove unnecessary argument about the way a site is handled. A number of subcontractors will be hired to carry out the plans set out by the main supervisor.
In the case of Denver International Airport (DIA), a much more unorthodox approach was used. All work was subcontractors who were hired to a small, isolated task is not done, and then they were released on its completion. In fact, these construction workers from the premises the moment they were released with their work. This was in an effort to the fact that no single company or a person ever saw the complete vision of what the DIA has been done to secure.
were completed at one point during the construction, five major structures, and then determines are positioned incorrectly. Rather than destroying and starting over, or the adaptation of the structures were buried them, and the building was re-started on the old structures. The end result was
a massive compound that, when viewed at from the air, lies exactly in the shape of a swastika. The aesthetic oddness does not end.
Outside the airport is a 32 m high statue of a rearing blue Mustang . This horse has alternately referred to as "Bluecifer," "Satan's Steed" and "Blue Devil Horse." So striking and disturbing is this statue that it has initiated petitions and organizations to spring up, to demand the removal. The sculptor, the piece was an artist named Luis Ramirez. Strangely, he was killed while building the statue when it fell on him, cutting an artery. His sons completion of the project.
Those conspiratorial aspects of our Government study found that the Mustang a striking resemblance to a horse with the associated Bears Montauk Project , A secret program of the Government in connection with tax and other Claims fantastic spirit. The Montauk Project is with the Philadelphia Experiment, a case of time-bending disaster conducted by the U.S. military connected. Both the Montauk Project and the Philadelphia experiment will be tested further detail in the next EI contributions.
is in the great hall of the DIA is a cornerstone, commemorating the construction and completion of the project. In the middle of the stone is the symbol of the Freemasons, a compass, with a dedication of the "New World Airport Commission". Several groups have studied this organization and found that it is unique in the DIA. No other airport has been associated with such a group. Of course, this has the blood pressure of more than a few conspiracy theorists who raised the connection to the phrase "New World Order." And of course, the rest of the building, nothing to mitigate these concerns.
There are mysterious writings on the floor during the DIA. A sentence is cut in the ground "DZIT DIT GAII. This is Navajo for "The mountain, which is white." There are several other areas on the floor, simply say: ". Mt Blanca". What could this be referencing? Well, this is a theory that if the Masons were responsible for the planning of the building (which they were given the significant inscription and symbols involved in the capstone), then, could it be that on Mt Blanc, or the White mountain in France, which is where the Templars signed its Charter. Freemasons trace their lineage back to the Templars, so that the connection seems to fit. At Mt. Blanc, wrote a Templar, "They gathered at a new job." Interesting?
are also in the great hall a couple of gargoyles, whose presence in an airport or in any building that is not a church or temple, is quite strange. Gargoyles, which is not developed to disperse water runoff, (its original purpose) are actually called chimeras, or grotesque. That said, to ward off evil spirits. From the looks of the two it seems that its purpose is to ward off the evil spirits of the lost luggage.
The most fascinating and probably the most disturbing aspect of the Denver International Airport, the wall paintings. These bizarre images appear relatively bright and are at first glance but on closer look quite strange.
One of the paintings is called "Children of the World Dream of peace. "Awww, is not that nice? Well, it would be if it were not for the fact that the mural shows genocide, famine, military repression and death. Cursor over the" is the world's children "a grotesque alien like, Nazi-esque, gas mask wearing uniformed figure who is in the act of spears, the dove of peace with a giant sword. He is surrounded by women with dead babies. There are dead children lie in coffins, and children with a sword in flags of their country wrapped. The wall painting is finished with images of war and death.
Denver airport murals

Another mural features about children, what appears to be a "new Messiah", it provides plants with a kind of magical or mystical quality. The whole thing is just weird and morbid.
addition, there are many strange anomalies of the DIA. One is the frequent occurrence of cracked windshields of aircraft. There is speculation that this is because an unusually high or low frequency pulse that has emerged from the airport. According there were 13 windshields that cracked in February 2007. The official reason is supposedly a strong wind, but there is no explanation for why strong winds have never been causing a number of cracks at other airports. It's still a secret. In December 2008, an airplane with a mysterious crack in the hull actually in flames on the runway, injuring several people.
There is also the question of ownership to the DIA. After the completion of the airport suddenly "hot property", and the property was bought on its outskirts by a who's who of the rich and important. The Queen of England is reported to have acquired some nearby property. Why? Well, this leads to the final theory that we will consider.
Some say that there is an underground base under the DIA. Phil Schneider, a government whistleblower, as claimed, that last year construction of DIA, a huge eight steps was built deep underground at the base connection. He claims that there is an unusually high electromagnetic frequency from below the DIA. What does this have to do with the Queen of England? Well, some speculate that the area should be below the airport a huge bunker, designed to shield the elite from a sort of an impending disaster. And "Ark" if it is then. there are those who say it is a military base, where top secret experiments carried out under the eyes of the travelers.
Whether it's something weird going on at the Denver International Airport, there is no doubt that it takes a bizarre and somewhat frightening. Visitors to the airport often complain of discomfort and the afflicted when, within the walls of this building, one would think, is the exact opposite reaction of the owners would want for an airport. Below I've included a documentary on the DIA. You can decide what the meaning is behind this anomalous building.

here are some larger photos of the place


Facts Behind the Denver Airport Conspiracy

Denver Airport Conspiracy Theory: A Documentary (part 1)

Denver Airport Conspiracy Theory: A Documentary (part 2)

Denver New World Airport Artwork

The Torch of Quetzalcoatl
This is quite interesting actually. There are some seriously weird things on the walls over at the airport;

there are loads of pics of dying women, children. One very interesting painting is of a woman sitting in a cave. Outside the cave you can see a City in rubbles, burning. Trying to tell us something?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Salary Budget Template

moron the lights never ...

Great! Heidelberg's award-winning climate-Capital is To top things off, contrary to earlier announcements, as an extra-bright light, energy-wasting Protz idyll. As for the ugly giant Erzbegirge imitation pyramid has to look at the market square outside the town hall, have already asked almost all Heidelberg.

The answer came from the Government, something like: Yes, that was indeed a blot on the Christmas market, but we were so smart at Marketing Company to complete the same with the operator a ten-year contract. Before, we could not even imagine how bad that would look like.

The fact that the pyramid lights too bright to romance even begin to admit, is one thing. That this light with energy-wasting Bulbs will produce a second. The fact that the Government allows it, a third. And the naivete of the Marketing Society is a fact of losing the other job would Ihnren.

Who's like who protest? Ideas are needed, like here as a comment on the blog. But please, no calls to break the law, such as nocturnal Zertören the light bulbs! Such comments will be removed immediately!

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Bürgersaal new home is coming - but better tolerated than feared

! He is a good proof that engagement of citizens may be worth it! Had the Government originally planned a swanky room on the citizens Neuenheimer marketplace without any public participation and of scheduled destruction of the much-used playground there, the protests of hundreds of residents from two years have now led to a new, less environmentally destructive scheme.

The building is small, get the playground at his old place and expanded, and the use of the premises is now at least partly planned, though there is no well thought out. There is still much work to all interested and affected parties, to prevent abuse of vacancy and the new spaces when the construction will come.

Whether it is really useful, probably to put a million dollars in this new building? A new building, which no one has ever called out the "Civic Association New Home". Who is that?. A club in new buildings especially wants his beer and his sausage grill tables assume 362 days of the year and then to make the Neuenheimer Fischerfest Reibach and to fund the tax-free income members of his trips. The whole thing at the expense of commercial food, which - creates jobs, pays taxes and social contributions - other than the club.

is clear in any case, that the newly designed space will look modern, the historic chapel is acting more like a left-over debris, and that today the idyllic place of Heidelberg will be irretrievably destroyed. Where the at least one million Euro construction cost will come from? Debt wait, that's what counts in the tens of millions for the Old Town Ufertummel also no longer thinks, probably OB Würzner.