Monday, November 23, 2009

Most Important Language Europe

The next scandal breaks city citizens the roof over your head off

from the more than dubious plan for a conference center, we have already written in another post. Now out is that it also needs a large house in the old town is to be demolished. The families living there are appalled will actually threatened that they will be in two years on the road to create with the kids to the absurd convention center space.

The building is in very good condition and well maintained, ready for anything but demolition. That it not a listed building, is playing no role anyway in Heidelberg. We even pulled down, as it sees fit to investors, see also our post "... and suddenly the castle was dilapidated hotel.

families and residents who want to defend themselves may like to leave a comment here, of course, dates of your protest actions. Let's not like you!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Cervix Positioning High

chance or fraud: Suddenly was the "Palace Hotel" ripe for demolition because

Who would have thought it: First, the fabric of the old castle hotel was also in the construction of luxury apartments will be preserved and restored, then put the client determine that, surprisingly, but unfortunately we had to tear down everything, as dilapidated. Bad luck!

The Incredible operation around this new blight on the Heidelberg-Panorama system. Other projects, like the old days in-villa on the mountain road in New Home, were on the same principle shot assault.

Here the investor is an old, known as a strong restaurierungsbedüftig building was purchased, but only a moment later, "surprising," noted that the walls are wet and you have to tear down the historic mansion. "With a restoration of the existing buildings here, one can not do business with the subsequent sale of the apartments." You have to imagine the times: a professional investor buys million an old, dilapidated property, claiming afterwards, he had not known was what state the object. This is not stupid, but outrageous to want to piss the public Sun

was even bolder then the project's Palace Hotel. Here is one of the largest and most experienced construction firms (high-low) the builder. Too bad that this DAX Group has tens of thousands of employees, not civil in the house who can judge an old building to its condition ...

We must of course SOS Heidelberg ask: Who bears responsibility for that in both cases (and others, such as Möchhofstraße and Luther Street in New Home, 2005) subsequently demolition permits granted for a listed building? As such a "mistake" disguised insolence of construction companies and greedy investors but should a municipality not later reward yet!

And in the next step, the question arises, why give government officials in such indisputable demolition permits. Who has the advantages of it? here someone else is rewarded?

We stay tuned and look up times, the names that appear in this context where. Perhaps one or the other bloggers here, here are the completed research?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

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Who needs a Bürgerssal New Home?

Nonsense: a modern new building with a "Citizens' Hall on the Square in New Home! No one needs this room, there are enough rooms and space for public use in New York: The Lutheran Church congregation, the senior center, and, and.

From the restaurateurs never mind that often have little capacity and in future also to witness how the Bürgersaal their clientele eats and drinks, hosted by clubs who pay no tax entertain, but cheap in a taxpayer-built house can.

In November 2007, the idiotic plans of the Government of hundreds of new homes have been abgeschmettert at a meeting: A hammer and the first order for OB Würzner, from ere two years had to recover.

And now comes the draft again on the agenda, slightly modified, but just as nonsensical. (Monday, 11.30.2009, 18:30 clock, in the gym Mönchhof school Mönchhofstraße 22) For two years we have asked around in despair, not whether someone perhaps could use a room. Finally, the OB then has a few self-serving little group found that would accept the gift. But what the Büger of it?

The most beautiful and most idyllic place of Heidelberg, Neuenheimer just the marketplace, would disfigure the final, kicked a lot of money and gained nothing. What is the one who wants out of the clique-district club it? Pure waste of money, the city of Heidelberg too much of it?

And that the administration at 30.11. still wants to celebrate that she has the new concept even includes a playground, is pure sarcasm. The old one had Entwurft be eliminated two years ago adopted the ideal playground replacement, one reason for the vehement rejection of the project by the citizens. Now planning to make a replacement playground, and will be feted for it - a joke!

about the old design (it cost 14,000 euros!) Under

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Congress Hall: Wrong model in the wrong place!

a "second class" (Original Government) Congress Centre for Heidelberg? If necessary, given the increasingly empty convention centers in other cities, like other knowledge.

But what is this stupid "shoe box" next to the town hall? times one of the judges has looked out from the Philosophers of the town and introduced himself as the building block of this historic old town panorama disfigured? And why this particular design, then in his desolation hard to beat?

a portico like a cemetery building, but no enrichment for Heidelberg!
I know times like why the jury decided just for this design, and what each of jury members have said. Maybe that knows one of the blog readers here?

is completely incomprehensible to me how to do so may place a building block to it, and so the whole idea of "river city" destroys. More traffic, which then will be on the Neckar along the way, despite the tunnel. As you can also save the tunnel.

What's the much better place for a convention center next to the station now? This is at least of communication. And once one has looked at the occupancy rates of comparable homes currently on Congress? That can not go well ...!