Saturday, January 2, 2010

Difference Between 14k And 14kt Jewelry

Star seeds or star born

(c) Yvonne Schwingen

It is now time for you to reconnect with the cosmos, uniting shadow with light and your soul with their lost or forgotten parts
your soul family and / or star family to reunite.
~ Archangel Sandalphon ~

The term star seeds or star-born, English star seeds and star-borne, is called The ones people whose souls are not called from the earthly incarnation cycle of the planet Earth, "Gaia" come.
you usually have not much karma from previous lives and come to the rest of Karma now they come here to dissolve or extra to certain physical experience to do here, they need for their personal development ... s
Olang it here on Gaia is still possible.

we distinguish again between star birth and star seeds.
has, in principle every man his soul cosmic origin or part of his soul family on other stars or planets.
We all incarnate once for the first time in a physical body on a planet less dense than the Earth.
The souls who came together with their soul family in the early settlement of the ground here have mostly also lost their cosmic terms, and forget their galactic origin.
you are stuck in the incarnation cycle of samsara wheel.

We want to here on the website, however, speak of simplicity, only by Starseed, even if that includes the star-born.
The term refers to the star was born souls who have been reincarnated several times on Gaia. you've lived here a few times on Gaia and gained experience, but their soul family lives on other stars. Much
Starseeds are here now to get back to the earth to the Atlantic and trauma to heal the Lemurian trauma in themselves and in the collective consciousness of humanity.

star seeds are special star-born, only very few or no previous incarnation had here on Gaia, and are now extra incarnated here at this time.
They are usually members of the Galactic Federation of Light and Ashtar team.

Many come from Sirius, the Pleiades, the sun or other planets within our solar system, but also from Orion or Zeta Reticuli (little gray) or completely somewhere else.
star seeds and star births are not walk-ins! (This is again something else ;-)

There are also star-born, their childhood spent on other planets and then have consciously decided to spend her life here on earth. This was mostly personal, karmic reasons.
One of the most famous star-born who was not born on earth, Omnec Onec is from Venus.

She wrote books about their origin as adults and thus officially outed. ("I came from Venus")

Omnec Onec was as a child with a spaceship to earth to live in an earthly family. She came from the higher astral world of Venus and had to compress her body first and learn to deal with a tight body to live here can.
prepared and trained, it was partly on the Venus and then Earth in a Tibetan monastery, which has maintained thousands of contacts with the Brotherhood and Planetary first contact point for aliens are who want to live on Earth. There have served for centuries now undervalued masterpiece Fubbi Quantz and master Yaubl Sacabi the interdimensional arrivals.
Omnec is not a walk-in, but only exchanged the role of a girl who actually died in a bus crash killed. Because of their external similarity, the family has not noticed.

get the experienced minds of star seeds from everywhere and are incarnated here on Earth to help the earth people in their spiritual and luminous development and to help them out of the three-dimensional forced-incarnation cycle free. Only when the earth souls ascend or increase its vibration, it will be possible for them also to incarnate again on other planets or stars. Otherwise, there is only the öglichekti on a three-dimensional planet ähnlcihen born or brought up to become there own development at their own pace to continue.

Many Starseeds have already had experience on other planets and even rise to the process of the rise has often occurred.
you find it easier to remember because they are often already gone through the veil of oblivion.
Some were also involved in the old days in manipulation, the awareness and development of the affected people have deliberately and they are now trying to correct it again and humanity to flourish into full consciousness. Only if they correct their old "mistake" they themselves can also rise further.
Many come from the heavenly realms here too aware to be suffering from UDN limitations develop.
is in the higher astral worlds, it not uncommon that one developmentally in a circle, is marking time or are bored because there is no pressure and no challenges There.
Many also come here to carry her own suffering experienced genuine compassion to develop or assist soulmate.

star seeds are made all the other planets, stars or celestial streams to help out on the ground, in the galactic Grossereingnis the rise of the earth together with its inhabitants. This in turn has
energetic impact on the entire galaxy.

No matter whether you're from Sirius, the Pleiades, from our sun, Nibiru, Arcturus, Venus, Jupiter, Orion, or come across somewhere else, be
welcome to the family of the resurgent star people: -)

has the old people of the Mayan calendar predicts in her already,
that by the year 2012 a turning point and is due around the end of the previous world.
New evidence, we know that this is not meant the end of the world
but only the end of linear time and a change to a higher dimension of existence vibration.

This is the gateway to the golden age on earth will be.
are currently over 5 million Starseeds incarnate to Gaia, all decided before birth for this process to actively support here on Earth and are also trained accordingly before or have been prepared.
The object of the star seeds, the light work and remember their cosmic origins and the associated reduction of the truncated DNA encoding the earth humanity to full consciousness.

Remembering happens through dreams, meditation or by a so-called wake-up call, or by inspiration of reports of other star seeds. Sometimes through physical encounters, such as kidnappings.

To forget the cosmic origin after the Incarnation was necessary for the star seeds, because only in this way they could fully with the collective consciousness the earth and humanity combine part of it will. In the

remember now the star seeds of their origin and their divine soul origin, they influence the consciousness of all humanity. Humanity now gets these ideas and the cosmic energy unconsciously and it helps them to remember their own souls, at their own origin and back to get into full consciousness.

This information site is intended for the star seeds, as an inspiration to remember their origin and order again and also as möglichekeit with like-minded people to share that are more on their wavelength than most Earth souls. Starseeds on Earth should get together and form a spiritual family, support each other, give advice and sometimes a shoulder to lean on and be somebody. the / it up as the only / r not to be absolutely crazy and keeps up without a word means without condemning you :-))

's not hard ;-)

Ask yourself the following questions:
-Have you ever felt as a child or adolescent alien here on Earth?

-Have you ever wondered: "I'm here on the wrong planet?"
- do you have a strong interest in stars, constellations , astronomy, astrology , space, UFOs, extraterrestrials, planets, meteors , comets, moon, etc.?

- it is you always liked hard to find here on earth friends who really are totally on your wavelength?

- do you have as a child rebelling against perceived internal or external authority?

had the secret-you ever wish that your biological parents could only be adoptive parents?
And have you longing for "real" parents? The
accept you as you are, where you feel you fully recovered and understood etc?
Have you secretly dreamed that such parents may eventually emerge at times could be up here "rauszuholen"?

If you can answer any of these questions from the heart with YES,
then you are most likely Starseed,
or if you feel in these lines read:
"Oh, yes, I would be sooo happy to the stars are born "
then it's you for sure! : O))

Welcome to the "Club" and you're not alone! :-)

probe into yourself, your feelings never deceive you!


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