Friday, October 29, 2010

Public Removing Cloths

Botschaft 19.10.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 19. October 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

My heart is full of sorrow, because I already get so many years to help most especially my beloved sons, priests in this terrible time. But just listen to my words and many push back my help. They do not want to admit that I want to help them.

My beloved children: How many times have I asked and even censured. In many but it's free! You want it who just do not because they would otherwise change their lives!

My Children: Be watchful, as I you've been saying for many years.

The "evil" goes around like a roaring lion and tries to destroy everything!

How many times I said that mankind and all nations will rise up, when to reverse the bishops and priests and their flocks and do not repent!

Only buses, coaches and repentance can save even more!

Many of my sons priests preach and teach no longer the holy Ten Commandments! Yes, the holy Ten Commandments, which could restore order, if not so many wars would take place.

your priest sons, why does its not on me, go your own way, often proclaimed your own gospel, and suppresses the holy Ten Commandments? Oh, what do you do that? Already

earlier and already in the Old Testament God was pushed back and the "golden calf" and the "Tower of Babel" was built!

And what happens now? It happens the same thing!

are "golden calf" and built "towers" built!

Oh, wretched man! What do you do against God? It pushes him back and no one wants to listen to him! His scripture you reject and announced only that, what do you think you are doing well.

Oh you miserable, so unhappy mankind to return and repent!

your priest sons

Go to your herds and feeds them - yes lead, not seduce!

wolves can break it and you stand there and watch how Christians are persecuted by heretics and killed. You are silent and still makes common cause with those who harm you, persecute you and kill you!

you definitely need not move out, as did the Apostles and the people proclaim the Holy Gospel ?

Instead, it is silent and only ever calls you on the " religious freedom"!

What is religion? Is it the belief in God or is it the delusion?

Go and preach the Holy Gospel as it has given you the Lord!

The Lord called Peter, and promised him the Holy Spirit and it's happening today in each of his successor!

And I ask you, ye sons of priests, "Be one with the Successor of Peter! Only then the unit can be restored!

now scattered it yourselves or you are a flock, as it wants it? Oh, no! You are divided among themselves and so can not a herd be! Go out, go to your sheep and leads them, is with them and nurture it!

Has not the Lord given you the holy sacrament of Holy Orders and thus connected, in His power to heal and even resurrect from the dead?

the holy sacrament of confession and buses have repelled her. You are no longer prepared to turn your power and strength to the poor people!

My Children: thinks back to all my words, I already give you many years. I have also told you what will happen if my requests are not met!

I have not announced many years ago, that whole nations will rise up? This is now done today and what you do about it? You are silent!

Pray, pray, pray and repent, as it always had to happen if people did wrong to God!

The Lord is pushed back and people go their own ways - ways that lead to destruction and carried away many innocent souls!

My beloved children: terrible happened and is happening. God sent prophets to always help and I, your mother was allowed to come to help!

The sinful behavior has never been so big and so terrible in this day and age!

the image of God is murdered in the womb. The old, sick and innocent people are killed. All this has brought the wrath-cup of God the Father to overflowing!

My Children: Repent and return to and also announces her GOSPEL OF GOD, if you can. Yes, repent and go to the bishops and priests, asking them that they finally, finally acknowledge my words and fulfill my request!

Only then can the world be saved and much, so much of humanity could be spared! Again, I exhort you to repentance and remorse at all sinful, what is happening and has happened!

Soon comes the time when I may no longer come!

Pray my children! I ask you from my heart, repent and repent!

Myrtha: " h O Mother, what have we done! Terrible as we have offended God. We also give way back cowardly and silent when we should talk. Oh mother, do not forsake us. You promised us that if ever we'll hold out your hand, hold us and carry out this darkness will. Mother, you said that only a few will remain. But the new seeds will rise. Just as it has promised the Lord. Small, so small they will rise and we will help with our tears, that the new seed can grow and thrive. You keep ready for many priests loyal sons. But many bishops do not allow it to perform the service in the sanctuary of God. Oh mother, let the sheep do not starve and beg your divine SON, to put an end to the terrible. And you, oh Mother, please, crushes the serpent's head!

Padre Pio: also ask you turn your brother priests: Does your job the way you have promised him to the Lord and listen to the mother because she wants to help you, yes! Their help has not returned because of any soul that is lost through your fault, you'll have to God once held to account. "

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Opening Vip Suitcase Number Lock

Botschaft 12.10.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 12 October 2010 + + + AM / ass

MOTHER Oh, now want Us say a few words.

My beloved children:

Let me pray for you today with the bishops and priests, that they are one with the Successor of Peter, for the persecuted Christians stand up and publicly acknowledge what is happening in the world.

It is a terrible sin, to kill the image of God in the womb! That will never forgive God! And who is silent to leave the set, because that soul is not the most significant!

My beloved children:

I consider ready for many priests loyal sons!

But there are bishops and priests to prevent the children of these priests to fulfill its mission. Oh, you faithless steward, you see only your own can, I 'and let it not true that doing faithful servants of the LORD their service in the sanctuary of God to lead their flocks and work with them fine. Many of you stop this priest sons in it. But it opens the sanctuary of God for worldly practices and tear down, set up what faithful Christians to the glory of God. Destroying the houses of God and those who still remain, you let stand empty!

finally goes out into the world and proclaim in a loud voice, like the misconception all will cover and how Christians are persecuted and killed! Where are you and you your voices raised in favor of these people? Your silence hides you and in your homes. And where there are still priests, would have overtaken her hirelings there!

The priest sons have the task of dealing with the herds buses!

Only buses can save the world yet!

your bishops and priests, who prevent the faithful servants, you will say to the Lord once, "Go away, her unfaithful steward, because you have prevented the faithful servant, to fulfill God's request and with the innocent little flock buses to do. You are a coward!

Where's your voice in public, proclaiming the Gospel as it has given the Lord and where you should stand up for Christian truth? do

No, instead, looks at her, like the heretics, the whole world move!

Where are you who take the 'Christian', that DIVINE 'einsteht and everything, even the cross on you?

Peter had once denied the Lord.

But what happens today, the denial of Christ in this time and His holy Ten Commandments for fear not more proclaim, but to hide that weighs much heavier!

your unfaithful servants, God will one day ask you to give!

My beloved children:

now and together we pray especially this month to God to give over everything that happens again can exercise mercy!

One thing I must tell you, but again:

As long as the unborn, the image of God will continue to murder, so long will be no peace in this world and the hardships will be even bigger!

As I have said, can only save repentance yet!

My Children:

My heart is full of sorrow! Like a good mother does, so I could come again and again to help you, ask and even to blame, but the ears were deaf and hardened the hearts!

Repent and pray with me that those who bear responsibility finally emerge and fulfill their task as they have been received from the Lord!

Be loyal, steadfast and brave, because the cross will be heavy, but never harder than you can bear it.

God requires FIDELITY, LOYALTY, LOYALTY so in the belief that no one does like Peter. But Peter saw it and regretted bitterly. And this God calls to this day of His servants who deny it!

prayer, atonement and suffering!

My beloved children:

we now pray together for these priests and bishops, so they come to their senses and stand together with the Successor of Peter for Christianity, for each individual, to deny themselves and others for there are.

I will now ask together with you from God.

Myrtha: "Oh mother crushes, but you finally head of this snake, or we perish all. The popular myth is so big and powerful and so many want to admit it and not be silent about it. Oh mother vibrator, on all of us, so we are silent no more, but everything that offends God, call it by name.

Padre Pio: You ask your brothers in the priesthood: Stop the words of the NUT and do not be blind, but see! Trust the Successor of Peter, for what he does is done in the Holy Spirit. And who is against the successor of Peter rebels, the rebels against the Holy Spirit. Be one, for only in unity can you manage and lead and for God to be there. Meets the request of the mother. "

Monday, October 18, 2010

Milena Velba Bra Images

Neckar tunnel failure - loss of OB

Finally, we must admit now Lord Mayor of Heidelberg Würzner that his madness propagated for two years plans are a world away from the Neckar River tunnel. Where are we to find the money? In 2009 Würzner said on this issue - standing on stage at the festival, convened by him on the Neckar - "... the money we can in the budget for other items einsapren!"
But this statement would have affected three looking to make Heidelberger angry. See Stuttgart 21 But apparently even then all the audience knew that this project had no chance. If only because it was priceless, is and will remain. compete
That Würzner now the withdrawal must be a new personal defeat for him. For too long, he had advocated at the top of an ever-shrinking group of dancers dream in the Council this project as a flag carrier. After the town hall extension now the second failure, at the expense of the citizens and taxpayers, will see the wasted resources in high millions. This money we could have really used it in Heidelberg better!
And that dares Würzner now, in his propaganda leaflets (Miteilungspostille the city, CoR) to call for more public participation, is pure mockery. It is this man, who along with his Baubürgermeister Heidelberg derided as a kind of voters as stupid and not mature either, because they were supposed to be his "great urban vision" is not understood.
Let's see what's next project - and fails. Maybe a rise in ticket prices for the cable car up to 99 €, combined at this price but with a free ride in the new Straßenbahnlienie on the Neckar River (on indefinitely-day) and a tour of the Stadtverschandlung on the grounds of the former Palace Hotel. We are curious on your comments!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Back Jst Before Waist Is Paining

Butsch go America * ENGLISH *

Pictures in the entry before!

...let's catch up (hopefully)

The day of Butsch's arrival itself is worth a whole story, but to make it short: Pia is already at the Sunlotus and Alex misses the bus, no Internet, no Phone, Pia driving there, driving back, driving there again because we just miss each other (1h each way)...lots of beer inside of Alex und finally: romantic and pouring rain without wipers, it's 2am in the morning, a mountain road and fog. After 48h without sleep for Alex and over 40 Butsch-less nights for both of us, the bed seems to be the softest and most comfortable one in the world.

People, work and freetime at the sunlotus were - especially for Alex - a huge but welcomed contrast to the Viennese every-day-life (Pia got used to those strange North Americans)

Patrick worked at the sunlotus just as we did - the next Canadian you cannot not be friends with! 21 too and a very funny guy we built stuff with and had nice conversations about almost everything...

Anita, one of the owners, cooks. Oh, and how she cooks! We had fish 90% of the time, delicous fish, stuffed fish, fish for breakfast, smoked fish, grilled fish, salty, sweet, awesome. Each meal a party in our mouths, with us as the VIP guests.

Might as well have something to do with the fact that our workd mainly consisted of building a smoke shack (as Canadian as our new lumberjack-flannel shirts!), which had to be tested a lot. njam.

Paul, the other owner, told us what to do. Kind of. Nice and weird, as the Canadians are, yes, he told us a lot, but we figured out what to do ourselves :)

Ginger, the daughter, hates Pia after 30 minutes. I am sorry, but on the other hand, it is not my fault that donkey bit you, you know you have to make your hand flat and they don't like Cheese-sticks. You hate me and your Mom will kill the donkeys, you say. The next day we play Dollies and you smile, Alex comes and you're laughing and jumping.

After four days (for Alex, ten for Pia): Party and Bye... on the road again

First stop: Victoria. We both know it yet, what makes wandering through the streets together it even more beautiful... the first days of our "almost-only-good-weather" period!
After a night in Victoria, we are making our way to the mainland again to stay in Vancouver for the next two nights (by the way, the most livable city in the world followed by... VIENNA!) at a B&B: As if we would do house-sitting for the "Seventh Heaven" family while they're on vacation. We were almost the only ones in one of two guesthouses (the other one was filled with elderly people). And it was clean!

What generally happened in Vancouver: Pia wants to learn Flamenco now.

Goodbye, Canada! Howdy USA! No bible in the room.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mushroom Cause Dark Stools

Botschaft 5.10.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 5 October 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

Today I ask you to pray especially for those souls who live in great guilt and sin. It is these souls, the innocent, unborn life that destroy the image of God. This takes two people. A woman and a man who is Child is conceived. Woe to those souls! They are of death!

And this, my beloved children, are also many priests and bishops guilty to announce because they teach the Ten Commandments holy no more and no longer the whole scripture.

They always say: "I think I prefer the good news." But the good news lived? About the fact that everything is shunned a teaching of the Lord in the holy Ten Commandments? Woe to those bishops and priests who embezzled it! They also bear responsibility for lost souls!

Where are those who, like the apostles boldly proclaim the Holy Gospel and do so in public?

you Take the example of the many heretics who defend their words and writings to the death and teach their children that keep what they feel is right!

And what do you do, oh you bishops and priests?

leave a lot of you these innocent souls of those people who know the faith no longer even!

It is your duty and responsibility to ensure that already meets the little innocent, the whole truth and everything he is proclaimed, not only that; what you think yourself well!

My beloved children:

mother ask you: Can be baked in salt water and a loaf of bread? No! The wheat grain is first lowered into the ground to mature so that it may bear fruit and become flour.

And just as it is with faith. The whole truth must be proclaimed! Only then can the good news to bear fruit.

It is awful when bishops and priests refrain from what could save the sick and doomed souls yet!

Where are those priests sons even the sacrament of Holy Confession donation and are ready to heal and resurrect from death?

My beloved children:

Many keep saying: "threatening message" But the Lord has given no threatening message!

can only come forth fruit, when the entire sacred Scriptures and the holy Ten Commandments are announced and pointed out is to download what a terrible debt to those souls who destroy the image of God in the womb!

know not the heretics, the word: "Increase and multiply," You mother ask: And what do they call themselves Christians?

destroying the life rather than pass it, as the Lord will!

My beloved children:

Be watchful! The Zornesbecher of God is at the overflow!

If no conversion takes place, the Lord will destroy everything that stands against him! Because he wants a real and true shepherds herd!

That, my children could accomplish so many bishops and priests, 'if they would have the courage of the apostles and fulfill their mission as they have received him from the Lord! You would have to stand out without fear of man and also demonstrates a commitment to the public for eternal truth and not be silent about it, what to say!

Pray for the many mothers and fathers who tell of life, no, the image of God to kill and thus devote themselves to death! And I, your mother, tell you: In those innocent, unborn souls are many, many priests sons! So good is it whining nothing and complain: "We have too few priests." Yes, they destroyed their own!

Pray also for yourselves, so that all back courageously for God, His Scripture and His holy Ten Commandments occur. If a man and speak without fear, where it is possible for you.

prayer, atonement and suffering, for soon will come the terrible, and I could always come to ask you and warn!

A good, loving mother, the children often warn and blame if they do not even notice it!

Pray, atone and sacrifice to God not His punishing hand raised! Repent and ask God for forgiveness, not the breaks!

Each soul can help to ensure that God's punishment is reduced!

Pray atones, and suffering! This is my sad plea to you!

Myrtha: "Oh mother, why are we so cowardly and have no courage to come forward and talk, where it would be necessary? Also we have so much fear of man. We should always recall the bishops and priests to help them meet their service as it was given to them by the Lord. Also we must not rely only on the good news. Because like you, MOTHER say, good news can only bear fruit if we respect and live, what are warning us of the Lord. Oh God, what have we done ...?

Padre Pio, Brother Klaus, Sister Faustina: Oh, nothing. "

Now the very serious atonement suffering begins to mass.

Friday, October 8, 2010

How To Build Portable Boat Trailers

Butsch go America, California, 10/08/2010

Well then we get after all this time, hopefully. The day of
Butschankuft's been a story worth, but we put it short: Pia sunlotus already in the bus and then miss Alex, no internet, no phones go, zureuckfahren, go back, many beers in Alex and then finally: Yes romantic, pouring rain - without wipers and two clock in the morning, the mountain road and fog, and then for Alex after 48 sleepless hours and for both of us for over 40 Butsch free nights at the end of the bed.

people, work and leisure in the sunlotus were particularly strong for Alex, but just therefore welcome contrast to the Vienna daily (yes, the North American Pia Weirdos is already used). Patrick has
as we toiled for daily bread and good bed six to eight hours - the next Canadian who leaves one no choice than to feel as if you were friends with each other for ages.
Anita (Owner 1) cooks. And how! We have indeed nourished to roughly 90% of fish, delicious fish, fish-filled, fish for breakfast, smoked fish, grilled fish awesome, sweet, salty,. Each meal is a party and we taste buds in the VIP Lounge!
Hing but also to the fact that much of our work consisted in a smoking chamber building (such as our new Canadian lumberjack flannel shirts!) - And must be tested extensively, too, njam.
Paul (owner 2) was the work of Canadian authorities and Weirdo the particular variety. And
had much to tell. About Woodwork and smoked fish genuaso as on more specific, and very Canadian things we prefer here should not be described in detail. Hawking. Apart
which he had never been really a plan which "work" and how we now should do WHAT IS OF at all (unless it was our own idea). And if they do, then get on it to end up with great probability that we just had made a huge detour. But that ends well, fish well.
Ginger, the daughter, four runs and crying about 30 minutes Pia to Mama.
own fault. You know, that using the donkey feed the hand should make flat because I can not help it when they bite you. And they may not cheese sticks. Yeah, you hate the donkey and me and tomorrow is going to kill your mommy donkey mhm. But the next day I will play with you again dollies. And then there was Alex, and you laugh and jump and dare for the first time by the Big-Burger-King-slide.
After four days and a boisterous celebration on the last evening, the farewell.
Although somewhat heavy heart, but at the same time with great anticipation finally (again) on the road .. to be!

First stop: Victoria. We both know already, but all the nice together now by pretty streets to walk - and now almost constantly nice weather for the ultimate good mood!
again after a night, we go back mainland, Vancouver for the next two nights (followed by Vienna, the most livable city in the world) in the B & B: When we were all the house of the heavenly family during their holiday huete. A contrast to the existing hostels, for we were almost alone in one of two guest houses (the other old people almost spilled out of the windows) and clean and wars that have been in the hostel's not so often.

On the first evening a quick Begruessungsbier naechstbesten in the bar, and is doing quite innocent. But then: Five people enter the stage. A man with a guitar, one of the only claps, a woman sings and the center two flamenco dancers. And within seconds, the mood turns to the beat of sonntaeglich to saturday night, the pounding of paragraphs, firm steps to shake the wax. And
to Pia's independence non-plastic-wooden huts self-catering plan (which now includes a smokehouse) is joined by the great demand, but to learn flamenco.

Next day: cucumber around happily in the city, "world famous" fish & chips on Granville Iceland, an evening stroll and go to bed earlier to get fit for cross-border be ...

Goodbye, Canada! Howdy USA! Since no bible in the room.

(to be continued)