Friday, October 29, 2010

Public Removing Cloths

Botschaft 19.10.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 19. October 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

My heart is full of sorrow, because I already get so many years to help most especially my beloved sons, priests in this terrible time. But just listen to my words and many push back my help. They do not want to admit that I want to help them.

My beloved children: How many times have I asked and even censured. In many but it's free! You want it who just do not because they would otherwise change their lives!

My Children: Be watchful, as I you've been saying for many years.

The "evil" goes around like a roaring lion and tries to destroy everything!

How many times I said that mankind and all nations will rise up, when to reverse the bishops and priests and their flocks and do not repent!

Only buses, coaches and repentance can save even more!

Many of my sons priests preach and teach no longer the holy Ten Commandments! Yes, the holy Ten Commandments, which could restore order, if not so many wars would take place.

your priest sons, why does its not on me, go your own way, often proclaimed your own gospel, and suppresses the holy Ten Commandments? Oh, what do you do that? Already

earlier and already in the Old Testament God was pushed back and the "golden calf" and the "Tower of Babel" was built!

And what happens now? It happens the same thing!

are "golden calf" and built "towers" built!

Oh, wretched man! What do you do against God? It pushes him back and no one wants to listen to him! His scripture you reject and announced only that, what do you think you are doing well.

Oh you miserable, so unhappy mankind to return and repent!

your priest sons

Go to your herds and feeds them - yes lead, not seduce!

wolves can break it and you stand there and watch how Christians are persecuted by heretics and killed. You are silent and still makes common cause with those who harm you, persecute you and kill you!

you definitely need not move out, as did the Apostles and the people proclaim the Holy Gospel ?

Instead, it is silent and only ever calls you on the " religious freedom"!

What is religion? Is it the belief in God or is it the delusion?

Go and preach the Holy Gospel as it has given you the Lord!

The Lord called Peter, and promised him the Holy Spirit and it's happening today in each of his successor!

And I ask you, ye sons of priests, "Be one with the Successor of Peter! Only then the unit can be restored!

now scattered it yourselves or you are a flock, as it wants it? Oh, no! You are divided among themselves and so can not a herd be! Go out, go to your sheep and leads them, is with them and nurture it!

Has not the Lord given you the holy sacrament of Holy Orders and thus connected, in His power to heal and even resurrect from the dead?

the holy sacrament of confession and buses have repelled her. You are no longer prepared to turn your power and strength to the poor people!

My Children: thinks back to all my words, I already give you many years. I have also told you what will happen if my requests are not met!

I have not announced many years ago, that whole nations will rise up? This is now done today and what you do about it? You are silent!

Pray, pray, pray and repent, as it always had to happen if people did wrong to God!

The Lord is pushed back and people go their own ways - ways that lead to destruction and carried away many innocent souls!

My beloved children: terrible happened and is happening. God sent prophets to always help and I, your mother was allowed to come to help!

The sinful behavior has never been so big and so terrible in this day and age!

the image of God is murdered in the womb. The old, sick and innocent people are killed. All this has brought the wrath-cup of God the Father to overflowing!

My Children: Repent and return to and also announces her GOSPEL OF GOD, if you can. Yes, repent and go to the bishops and priests, asking them that they finally, finally acknowledge my words and fulfill my request!

Only then can the world be saved and much, so much of humanity could be spared! Again, I exhort you to repentance and remorse at all sinful, what is happening and has happened!

Soon comes the time when I may no longer come!

Pray my children! I ask you from my heart, repent and repent!

Myrtha: " h O Mother, what have we done! Terrible as we have offended God. We also give way back cowardly and silent when we should talk. Oh mother, do not forsake us. You promised us that if ever we'll hold out your hand, hold us and carry out this darkness will. Mother, you said that only a few will remain. But the new seeds will rise. Just as it has promised the Lord. Small, so small they will rise and we will help with our tears, that the new seed can grow and thrive. You keep ready for many priests loyal sons. But many bishops do not allow it to perform the service in the sanctuary of God. Oh mother, let the sheep do not starve and beg your divine SON, to put an end to the terrible. And you, oh Mother, please, crushes the serpent's head!

Padre Pio: also ask you turn your brother priests: Does your job the way you have promised him to the Lord and listen to the mother because she wants to help you, yes! Their help has not returned because of any soul that is lost through your fault, you'll have to God once held to account. "


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