Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Opening Vip Suitcase Number Lock

Botschaft 12.10.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 12 October 2010 + + + AM / ass

MOTHER Oh, now want Us say a few words.

My beloved children:

Let me pray for you today with the bishops and priests, that they are one with the Successor of Peter, for the persecuted Christians stand up and publicly acknowledge what is happening in the world.

It is a terrible sin, to kill the image of God in the womb! That will never forgive God! And who is silent to leave the set, because that soul is not the most significant!

My beloved children:

I consider ready for many priests loyal sons!

But there are bishops and priests to prevent the children of these priests to fulfill its mission. Oh, you faithless steward, you see only your own can, I 'and let it not true that doing faithful servants of the LORD their service in the sanctuary of God to lead their flocks and work with them fine. Many of you stop this priest sons in it. But it opens the sanctuary of God for worldly practices and tear down, set up what faithful Christians to the glory of God. Destroying the houses of God and those who still remain, you let stand empty!

finally goes out into the world and proclaim in a loud voice, like the misconception all will cover and how Christians are persecuted and killed! Where are you and you your voices raised in favor of these people? Your silence hides you and in your homes. And where there are still priests, would have overtaken her hirelings there!

The priest sons have the task of dealing with the herds buses!

Only buses can save the world yet!

your bishops and priests, who prevent the faithful servants, you will say to the Lord once, "Go away, her unfaithful steward, because you have prevented the faithful servant, to fulfill God's request and with the innocent little flock buses to do. You are a coward!

Where's your voice in public, proclaiming the Gospel as it has given the Lord and where you should stand up for Christian truth? do

No, instead, looks at her, like the heretics, the whole world move!

Where are you who take the 'Christian', that DIVINE 'einsteht and everything, even the cross on you?

Peter had once denied the Lord.

But what happens today, the denial of Christ in this time and His holy Ten Commandments for fear not more proclaim, but to hide that weighs much heavier!

your unfaithful servants, God will one day ask you to give!

My beloved children:

now and together we pray especially this month to God to give over everything that happens again can exercise mercy!

One thing I must tell you, but again:

As long as the unborn, the image of God will continue to murder, so long will be no peace in this world and the hardships will be even bigger!

As I have said, can only save repentance yet!

My Children:

My heart is full of sorrow! Like a good mother does, so I could come again and again to help you, ask and even to blame, but the ears were deaf and hardened the hearts!

Repent and pray with me that those who bear responsibility finally emerge and fulfill their task as they have been received from the Lord!

Be loyal, steadfast and brave, because the cross will be heavy, but never harder than you can bear it.

God requires FIDELITY, LOYALTY, LOYALTY so in the belief that no one does like Peter. But Peter saw it and regretted bitterly. And this God calls to this day of His servants who deny it!

prayer, atonement and suffering!

My beloved children:

we now pray together for these priests and bishops, so they come to their senses and stand together with the Successor of Peter for Christianity, for each individual, to deny themselves and others for there are.

I will now ask together with you from God.

Myrtha: "Oh mother crushes, but you finally head of this snake, or we perish all. The popular myth is so big and powerful and so many want to admit it and not be silent about it. Oh mother vibrator, on all of us, so we are silent no more, but everything that offends God, call it by name.

Padre Pio: You ask your brothers in the priesthood: Stop the words of the NUT and do not be blind, but see! Trust the Successor of Peter, for what he does is done in the Holy Spirit. And who is against the successor of Peter rebels, the rebels against the Holy Spirit. Be one, for only in unity can you manage and lead and for God to be there. Meets the request of the mother. "


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