Thursday, November 25, 2010

Scooter Metal Cover Eagle

Botschaft 16.11.2010

Botschaftder Blessed Mother

Tuesday 16 November 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

My heart is full of sorrow and my Divine Son is angry at the horror that is happening now in the name of His holy birth.

business is operated and invented sparkle and glitter! All this has nothing to do with the birth of Christ, His coming to do!

My beloved children: terrible is that! God does not abuse it!

you know that God was poor in the world. And the poorest of the poor appeared first at the crib and her little they had, they shared with the Lord. And what happens now? Sparkle and glitter to be invented in order to do business.

Yes, they do not even know what is celebrated for a celebration!

My beloved children: Today, no one can say: I do not know what is happening in the world. There are poor, the sick, the hungry and thirsty much of the whole Scattered world! And who is willing to follow these poorest even a bowl of rice or a drink of water to give?

Instead, fatten and kill animals in order to satisfy themselves and their gluttony!

My beloved children: It does not mean that you burn no lights Dared. But you shall do this in remembrance of the Light has come into the world! Take the crib out and see what the Lord was born poor and naked! Think of Him and are always willing to share. Dared

well you rejoice at the coming of Christ. Because he was, he is and he remains the SAVIOUR the world!

Salvation is the greatest gift and it begins in the crib!

My beloved children: Be prepared! Pray and sacrifice, especially in these days when God is offended so terrible!

Again I repeat:

ER was poor in the world, as Savior, as God;

yes, the son of the MOST HIGH!

Be prepared especially these days! Make sacrifices, pray and atone for the terrible insults and for the great GOD!

It will be a Time come when you too will have to recognize what is, HUNGER 'and means!

prays and sacrifices atone! Be modest, especially in these days and become one with the child in the manger!

Pray, atone and sacrifice, because only repentance can save the world yet!

Myrtha: "Once it was the changer, the abused the sanctuary of God. And now they abuse your divine Son for their businesses and wealth. Oh Mother, please, come and crushes the snake head, before it is too late. But you have promised to stay with us when we ask only that. Oh mother, please, please, leave us not! "

Padre Pio, Brother Klaus, Sister Faustina: silent your ..."

Now begins the very severe punishment for the suffering mass.


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