Thursday, December 23, 2010

Trader Joes Celtic Sea Salt

Botschaft 14.12.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 14 December 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

Today I'll address a few words to you. However, with the request to comply with and take to heart. Remains light. Yes, you will light in the darkness!

I ask you today with my novena to the Holy Spirit to pray for the many souls holy these days are about, in serious debt to receive the Holy Eucharist.

you, my priest sons, I call: Prepares these souls and tell them what is written in Scripture: "Who unworthily receive the body and blood of the Lord, who also receives the COURT "

Yes, my children: Many things are done these days: lots of crime and many sins! You know the world is on the brink! Wherefore, be light, and pass it! Lights those who were not seduced by your own fault and the MR not know! Pray for these souls and is a for them. Help them find you, it is possible that they may know God again, repent, confess and follow him back to!

My beloved children: The serious sin can be eased only by receiving the holy sacrament of the buses, I repeat: Only by the holy sacrament of Penance! No one can even forgive the sins. The Lord has appointed to the priests and gave them power and authority to resolve and bind!

Therefore, I exhort you to pray in this holy day especially for the souls which are in the process of the tribunal of God to call down on you!

you, my children: Go into the silence and take out the holy book and read what happened during these holy days. Remains true and faithful and expires not sin. Satan tries to destroy everything! Even good souls are weak!

why pray also for you own so that their light remains, and again and again by the worthy reception of the sacraments of new light will!

I ask you to follow these words. Once again I call you, pray with me the novena to the Holy Spirit, therefore may not learn many of the grace of repentance. Pray, pray, pray, because the days are getting shorter! God will intervene! Yes, God intervenes and creates restore order, but that will be painful! But repentance and conversion can save even more! Therefore remains strong! Pray, pray, pray!

Myrtha " Oh mother, what will happen again and that everything will be back for a burden of sin? Oh God, have mercy and be merciful. Do not let all the tears that Satan itself. to see Oh God, send Your Holy Spirit to us strength to confess and repent! Only repentance and humility can still be saved. Oh God, have mercy rule you and let your mercy, for you have but said, "your sins are still as red as blood, they shall be white as snow." you give the grace to do so. Oh God, oh my God, what will happen again everything?

Padre Pio: you ask your brother priests: meets the requests of the MOTHER! If you by one soul is saved, you will bear much fruit can bring and the Lord will remember. Be brave, steadfast and courageous and let your words get to the herds. "

Now the suffering severe punishment begins to mass.

Monday, December 20, 2010

How Long Can Trichomoniasis Last

Botschaft 7.12.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday December 7 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children: is

Today again my heart full of grief and my Divine Son angry about what is happening now!

His coming will be collected and used to do business, yes, terrible business! These shops are worse than those of the changers and merchants in the temple at that time!

Who knows at all what these businesses? Terrible it is!

That was true charity, as the shepherds fell in the stable, the child, worshiping and what little they owned, shared with Him. They expected no counter-gift. By his coming, the Lord but made them the greatest gift!

My beloved children: So many lights are now lit in villages, cities, squares, streets and houses. I ask you: Who knows at all mean that these lights?

If only one of these lights burn in the souls, so it would look very different in the world!

But humanity is brutalized and everyone looks only for themselves! Modern man is no longer willing to share, as at that time the shepherds were and did.

it so happens these days: the wealth is shifted back and forth! Everyone wants more be and to have than the other! And all in the name of the child, the son of God. Awesome is that!

My beloved children:

Do what the shepherds away and what does not need it. Give the starving to drink and eat. You know exactly how many people die daily of hunger and thirst! Does the charity! This does not mean that you rejoice at the birth of Jesus and not themselves any pleasure should already. However, everything in moderation and aim! Again I ask you: Give the poor and weak, what you need yourself. This is Christmas! Yes, that's the birth of Christ and is also says GOD!

wealth in the world is useless!

his arm like the shepherds, and they mimic their actions, that is, be willing to share!

That, my dear children, Christmas, the Nativity of the Lord: charity, Charity, charity!

Myrtha: " Oh mother why are we so selfish? We always think we would have to have more. We are doing so good and yet we still want more! Oh mother would ask us the grace of humility and willingness to share. Oh Mother, the Lord wants of us that we all that we do not need to put in the crib and do that good. This is the birth of Jesus: He gives himself to us and this is the greatest gift of all! And we ourselves will give us the Lord, our life, our existence! Again the Lord has protected us so much and we thank him enough and still in the wrong way! Oh God, have mercy! Let's wake up these days and see what YOU have given us with your birth: YOURSELF, the rescue from eternal death!

Padre Pio: Oh, her bishops and priests: As often as you teach the charity! Silk but now worried that it not only in words takes place, but especially in deeds! "

Now the suffering severe punishment begins to mass.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Chest Sitting Weretling

A deer hides, dumpster diva, and that capitalism is bad. First

CRIC in-house, we come to the evening. Explained that from CRIC stands for "Cultural and Rehabilitation Centre Internship," and who wants to understand better instead look at their blog: It says in there what they would have loved.

We will be greeted nice in the old house is all a bit chaotic and warm from the many people from the tee and from the food. It smells of incense sticks. The girl with the cute face, short major and long armpit hair asks us whether we want to help out today already. "Do you want to skin a deer?" - Maybe. We say hello and take our stuff away for now.

The deer is roadkill, one of the Grundstuecksbewohner has knocked down with his truck - something of course you can not degenerate, and the animal we disassembled.
When we join them, the deer with dripping neck hangs over a bowl. "Do you need any help?" we ask. They take turns, first the coat a bit away from the breast is before the cut. How to get the innards out there now is to know but none of the three, for sure. It's dark and I think the headlights. Finally
of dining and attracts a PIPE, so everything runterplumpst dranhaengt finally with. Heart, lungs and everything else will be added to Meatallschuesseln. If I could get in the kitchen and do the lung in a separate vessel before everything is in the refrigerator. I summarize below the outside, the metal is hot.
The lungs do so in an extra bowl, but before that she still has to be separated from everything else, which means that the things I need to cut apart to attack.

can not. I can not. Very briefly, the warm flesh. But prepare I can not: who could do that maybe others? No problem.

We sleep in the car the next day after breakfast, we are working on the Bathhouse: soil, sand and straw with water relatively somehow processed into building material and shaped into something like walls. In the evening, everyone says how he or she feels and what was the highlight, I feel funny.

In the next few days we will prepare a part of the plot for Rain to listen to, and like a half hour full seriousness is a debate about whether it is fair to leave the window open rather, for those who want it, or close it, for those who are cold. We participate in the "freeskool" part, where the group tried the others - for whatever reason - to bring quantum physics closer. You ask around, why capitalism is bad and is pushing me to the felt, they do it "for us." It's not a big "Aha", "Oho," but it's the obvious things we all know. But Alex wears suede shoes and I have a Jack Wolfskin jacket, the most irritated.

begins in the next few days it rained only a little, then more and more to pour. In the car it is damp and cold, the mattress starts to smell weird and starts me for a long, long time (until the end of Cuba) to do the hip and leg pain.

One evening talking about the upcoming distribution of work, I go to that time was a bit long on purpose outside the bathroom, it will not be obligated to take part. When I get back, Alexakimu has notified us both for dumpster-diva - Yeeha.

The absolute hightlight of the whole stay will therefore still be on the same. Alex, Marissa and I drive about half past nine going on in the evening, the mattress in our van is rolled back and Marissa has maps and flashlights. She is 15 and lives for some time - of course with the parents Permit - In CRIChouse. The hair she wears short, and the rest of her appearance is similar in to that of the other girls in CRIChouse: Shaving is not that comfortable clothes and who need bras. Even if one notes that her young age, she has backfischige hormone flushes pretty well under control.
Marissa tells me the way to our first container, it is a business with many organic products and a large fruit and Gemueseauswahl, and when a silver car stands, is the owner there. But there is nothing. We grab the torches and walk the few steps to the gate, behind which the dumpster is located, Marissa gives a click and we slip into the yard, then we climb one by one into metal learn in the treasure trove. You have to look here to find the good stuff, but if one has once burrowed through the angrauten discover salad, fruit for fruit, pounds of peaches. And then also, of course potatoes, tomatoes, mushrooms, rhubarb, lemons, lemons. We put everything into boxes and then into the car, then we drive to Safeway. Pure adrenaline, I'm excited and happy.

There is no sichtgeschuetzten parking and the business has come openly, sometimes by people on the street. I do not trust me at first, because I think a camera to see and say the two, they should go without me. But they come after a few seconds with boxes of food back: "We scored the boxtower"
- Today is not anything exceptional Safeway is the only way around, but is packaged in beautiful boxes. Because it keeps me even more and run to the two, the heart beats: I'm so excited! An incredible amount of food we pack into our cars, so full that Marissa has hardly any space left after.

What we finally get home, I have - that we have everything washed and sorted - following in mind:

10l-a-cup cherry tomatoes avocados

-8 10l-a-cup peaches
-ca. 20 Lemon / Lime Cheesecakes

-3 -3 pounds Donuts
-an incredible amount of red beets salad
-8 -5
kilo potatoes
-ca. 15 filled sandwich
- not so little of the green from the red-Rueben
a banana box full of full of bananas
-a banana box with mushroom
-500g vegan pork roast (or something similar)
-7 sweet potatoes
-ca. 10 pieces roots (carrots and similar)-
a few pomegranates
-15 -7 -1 star fruit pears

-10 -10
zucchini eggplant
pair of pumpkins, a bag of bagels

... and unbelievable much other good food, lots of really really much.

On the last day then we do not have much, Alex and I go to relax, walking, and he plays kalimba. We drive about 10 clock going in the morning, because we are planning another long drive to San Diego - where we are in the Meanwhile, the car sold through eBay.

create To my surprise we all drive to San Diego in a day.

crichouse crichouse


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mount And Blade Sergeant

Botschaft 23.11.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 23 November 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

Today I shall repeat the words that you remember deep in your soul you shall.

I have told you that days will come, as are many of you are mistaken about what is happening now!

You know, there were apostles who were also mistaken, as the Lord or on earth walked. But she acknowledged and repented.

My children, now done so many things that people really confused!

Therefore, I urge you: Stand firm in your faith! So, as you have him or receive from your parents and especially by the priests. Hold firmly to this belief and never doubted!

For there will now be days, days of darkness, where tears will flow and the wailing will be great!

Next I also told you that

sin against God was as big as ever today !

- It is the sin of pride!

- A man wants to be bigger than God!

- A man decides when a life begins and when it is completed!

God alone is the Lord of life and death!

Everything else comes from Satan! This attempts to entrain what it can do!

Wherefore, my beloved children entreat, I command you: Stay vigilant! Turn to me and held out your hand so that I can lead you through this darkness!

I'm also for you come that you remain strong!

I will ask the Holy Spirit, that He is in you and in the dark force!

People will follow each other! Just as it says in the Scriptures: Man to woman, children against parents and parents against children!

But you can pray, pray, yes pray to convert many more!

pray especially for you and your children!

Pray and pray for all mankind, so that souls can still be saved!

That, my children are my words to you today.

it shapes into your souls and be steadfast. Will not mistaken for what is coming now! Pray, pray, pray!

Myrtha: "Oh Mother, it is now so far? Oh mother why the man is doing so terrible? Yes, this pride, this terrible pride! Oh God, have mercy and do not let go under the world! For You, oh Lord, but are the creator of all being and life. Oh God, clean shower, so can resurrect everything in the Light! Oh God, have mercy, have mercy!

Padre Pio: You call your brothers in the priesthood to "Be shepherds now in this difficult time! Does your flocks, remains steadfast and true! Because the cross is hard for you too be. Fight for eternal truth! Fights, even fights, the reward will be great once! "

Now the very serious atonement suffering begins to mass.