Thursday, December 23, 2010

Trader Joes Celtic Sea Salt

Botschaft 14.12.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 14 December 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

Today I'll address a few words to you. However, with the request to comply with and take to heart. Remains light. Yes, you will light in the darkness!

I ask you today with my novena to the Holy Spirit to pray for the many souls holy these days are about, in serious debt to receive the Holy Eucharist.

you, my priest sons, I call: Prepares these souls and tell them what is written in Scripture: "Who unworthily receive the body and blood of the Lord, who also receives the COURT "

Yes, my children: Many things are done these days: lots of crime and many sins! You know the world is on the brink! Wherefore, be light, and pass it! Lights those who were not seduced by your own fault and the MR not know! Pray for these souls and is a for them. Help them find you, it is possible that they may know God again, repent, confess and follow him back to!

My beloved children: The serious sin can be eased only by receiving the holy sacrament of the buses, I repeat: Only by the holy sacrament of Penance! No one can even forgive the sins. The Lord has appointed to the priests and gave them power and authority to resolve and bind!

Therefore, I exhort you to pray in this holy day especially for the souls which are in the process of the tribunal of God to call down on you!

you, my children: Go into the silence and take out the holy book and read what happened during these holy days. Remains true and faithful and expires not sin. Satan tries to destroy everything! Even good souls are weak!

why pray also for you own so that their light remains, and again and again by the worthy reception of the sacraments of new light will!

I ask you to follow these words. Once again I call you, pray with me the novena to the Holy Spirit, therefore may not learn many of the grace of repentance. Pray, pray, pray, because the days are getting shorter! God will intervene! Yes, God intervenes and creates restore order, but that will be painful! But repentance and conversion can save even more! Therefore remains strong! Pray, pray, pray!

Myrtha " Oh mother, what will happen again and that everything will be back for a burden of sin? Oh God, have mercy and be merciful. Do not let all the tears that Satan itself. to see Oh God, send Your Holy Spirit to us strength to confess and repent! Only repentance and humility can still be saved. Oh God, have mercy rule you and let your mercy, for you have but said, "your sins are still as red as blood, they shall be white as snow." you give the grace to do so. Oh God, oh my God, what will happen again everything?

Padre Pio: you ask your brother priests: meets the requests of the MOTHER! If you by one soul is saved, you will bear much fruit can bring and the Lord will remember. Be brave, steadfast and courageous and let your words get to the herds. "

Now the suffering severe punishment begins to mass.


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