Monday, December 20, 2010

How Long Can Trichomoniasis Last

Botschaft 7.12.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday December 7 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children: is

Today again my heart full of grief and my Divine Son angry about what is happening now!

His coming will be collected and used to do business, yes, terrible business! These shops are worse than those of the changers and merchants in the temple at that time!

Who knows at all what these businesses? Terrible it is!

That was true charity, as the shepherds fell in the stable, the child, worshiping and what little they owned, shared with Him. They expected no counter-gift. By his coming, the Lord but made them the greatest gift!

My beloved children: So many lights are now lit in villages, cities, squares, streets and houses. I ask you: Who knows at all mean that these lights?

If only one of these lights burn in the souls, so it would look very different in the world!

But humanity is brutalized and everyone looks only for themselves! Modern man is no longer willing to share, as at that time the shepherds were and did.

it so happens these days: the wealth is shifted back and forth! Everyone wants more be and to have than the other! And all in the name of the child, the son of God. Awesome is that!

My beloved children:

Do what the shepherds away and what does not need it. Give the starving to drink and eat. You know exactly how many people die daily of hunger and thirst! Does the charity! This does not mean that you rejoice at the birth of Jesus and not themselves any pleasure should already. However, everything in moderation and aim! Again I ask you: Give the poor and weak, what you need yourself. This is Christmas! Yes, that's the birth of Christ and is also says GOD!

wealth in the world is useless!

his arm like the shepherds, and they mimic their actions, that is, be willing to share!

That, my dear children, Christmas, the Nativity of the Lord: charity, Charity, charity!

Myrtha: " Oh mother why are we so selfish? We always think we would have to have more. We are doing so good and yet we still want more! Oh mother would ask us the grace of humility and willingness to share. Oh Mother, the Lord wants of us that we all that we do not need to put in the crib and do that good. This is the birth of Jesus: He gives himself to us and this is the greatest gift of all! And we ourselves will give us the Lord, our life, our existence! Again the Lord has protected us so much and we thank him enough and still in the wrong way! Oh God, have mercy! Let's wake up these days and see what YOU have given us with your birth: YOURSELF, the rescue from eternal death!

Padre Pio: Oh, her bishops and priests: As often as you teach the charity! Silk but now worried that it not only in words takes place, but especially in deeds! "

Now the suffering severe punishment begins to mass.


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