Thursday, March 3, 2011

Power Of Attorney For Uae

Tubbie - series "My friendship VIP

series "My friendship VIP
Clara's historic original quilt

The quilt has the size of a double bed.

Clara has it sewn entirely by hand from a variety of brightly colored silk , bow and velvet . Along the seams it was embroidered with a view to reinforcing double feather stitch in golden silk.

It is a single regular pattern.
(cm 25 x 25) To a square in the middle of dark red velvet lined up octagons (15 x 15 cm), each consisting of four elongated hexagons around a black Samtquadrat (5 x 5 cm) exist in the middle. These dark squares give the quilt its distinctive design.

He is a total of 592 hexagons.


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