Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fujifilm Camera Always Says Flat Battery



have anything for some time now. Was simply not the time or had simply forgotten it. :-(

am still 100% raw, so no cooking food exceptions. For the simple reason that I am up to now with my diet very well. 2 x I had a tinge of longing for pasta with tomato sauce, because I have a powerful hungry had. I then ate my germinated cereals and forget was the desire for spaghetti.

:-) I, and I think other people want to make the raw food need not be fooled. Such desires can come again and again, especially if you have a strong feeling of hunger and not matter what fine Crude available added. This is normal! Decades of one ate differently from an early age it was the other "stuff" used to! If one has really hungry and may see even the other food, it smells, it's quite clear that as memories come up to the taste! It's just the taste, you feel then never as good as with raw food (so it is with me, anyway).
I can imagine that in people who eat 100% raw for several years, the desire for home, where you will not face cooking food, almost no longer exist. However, in the restaurant or the like, where it looks and smells, then these people are very likely to desire. It is normal and remains normal when it was coined in childhood. Whoever claims the opposite, hiding it (at least in almost all cases, there may be exceptions). My personal opinion.

Now back to me.

Very reliable now is that at the beginning it really was kidney pain. The strong detoxification was just violent, but it was not soooo long.

eat the moment I as follows:

morning 8:00 to 9:00: were nut-fruit, the last days of the date-Sesame, banana-sesame, dates, hazelnuts, hemp seeds - Banana
: Barley grass juice or Kammutgrassaft

between 9.30 and 11.00
all chewed up liquefied.

hemp seed banana (today) I was not that great, everything else great!

13:00 to 15:00: fruit or vegetables (rarely)
I found out that one should really be careful because (I, anyway). We have harvested plums, I ate quite a large amount, then got flatulence. So this may be too much to disrupt the intestinal fructose sensitive. You should hold back because really, but if it tastes so good .......... (And which are fantastic).

between 17.30 and 19.00: Dried, germinated corn with olive oil or olive

Yes, most recently, I eat the wheat with olives (without salt, not heated). The hammer! For me a treat, every time a heavenly stage.

I do not want to mention that you nuts, and sprouted grains, according to H. Müller-Burzler should not eat the same day as this can lead to intestinal disorders. However, I bemkerke yet nothing negative and feel so very easy. This may possibly have to do with the fact that I have an incredibly fast metabolism, and thus my digestion is a faster way of Amsterdam and the nuts and cereals do not meet in the large intestine. Only as a consideration.
I'll see how it will run on.

That was my interim report. Right now I am myself fascinated by how easily I play the raw food can do, but above all that I so so well. :-)
Hopefully the last for long on .............



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