Monday, August 30, 2010

Making An Improvised Electric

Butsch's mobile: A 1998 Ford Windstar, Vancouver 30/08/2010

So after I so unexpectedly, a Ebay auction won, we went from first cross the border ("What are you doing? Where are you staying? How much money do you have?"), Because there was the car. Amerikanski car on Canadian Ground.

turned out, however, already in advance that the car belongs to the super Christians. That's kind of reassuring, because I do not think that Christians are allowed to do with Super five children (with long skirts and straw hats) lie or bad things. See also:
beunrhigend And somehow, as the super Christians (he's Preacher) finally, it was denied entry to the U.S. (although that also means nothing, actually) about there not against the other Super Christians to preach.
Anyway, I met
at the airport, we have completed two four lines on a sheet of paper and then he rushes off. And I have slept in the car and woke up with backache.

The next day, then by bus back to the "Where are you staying? When are you leaving? What is that?" Where do you live? " States in order to license the car, so that is a U.S. citizen.

runs the following way: You go to a car licensing body, such as a department store. Here we give the ID and "completed" piece of paper: name, address, mileage. Paid depending on the car price (in my case $ 721) other charges (159 $).


and ... off you go. Really. Unbelievable. SO I have just presented to me really quickly and I'm not rushing off before they could put differently!

This is a car that I've heard mainly bad, but I hope it holds through the couple of weeks. And it is set up already:)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Forgot The Number Lock Of My Suit Case

rested in Seattle PHOTOS, Seattle, 25.08.2010

The flight went over Washington DC and had an hour Delay. Missed connecting flight. One night five stars (and three small bottles Duschzubehoer, two soaps and a bathing cap ...), $ 15 meal voucher, a large bed and a matching TV. A ned bad.

Seattle is warm, laid-back and pretty.
... and I regret it a bit to have me in advance not informed.

For those who did not: Seattle is the birthplace of Jimi Hendrix and Starbucks, place of death of Kurt Cobain and the scene of Grey's Anatomy. Also famous for fish, music and lots of rain.

latter I have noticed yet, but everything else is here, he threw one in Down Town at least on T-shirts. Maybe I do tomorrow The Dead Guy Tour ". Some hostels have a Jimi Hendrix shrine. flip

before the first Starbucks in the world five African-American gospel singer, singing in the afternoon, in front of a pop plays on the guitar. After 6 clock when the market closes, the first riff comes from the bar on the second floor.

The hostel is located near the Farmer's Market, fish is cheap and good (Today's been with me Tuna, 3 $ for the equivalent of 320g, yes, that's cheap) and as already mentioned, I think markets incredibly great! Loud colorful things, flowers, ostrich, many local, much love in the jam and homemade noodles.

Talking about food, and Hostel: No Wolf Den, but highly recommended. Apart from is a perfect situation for me 3 times a week included dinner (!) and daily breakfast, curtains in front of the beds and lockers.

What Are Black Pepper Mites

Algonquin Park, 2nd: PHOTOS, Seattle, 25.08.2010

Good morning, Algonquin

Canoeing with Stephen

Wolf Den Main Lodge





Finally I have also such a photo (approximately 7 clock in the morning)


again because is so beautiful

... in Algonquin Park, I am indeed not been since Monday, but I've only made it today to rekonstrieren the data of the SD card : alone data saved! ALONE! I'm proud of myself! The

with the flight to Vancouver on Friday, which was of course not. I'm in Toronto at the airport, twelve Clock. Sorry, only off on British Airways by two. British Airways switches, two thirty clock. Sorry, we can not rewrite your ticket. The Cathay-off switch on at ten. Tour, eleven thirty clock. Sorry, the Cathay switch off only at zwei clock on. Cathay switch, a clock thirty. I'm sorry, the person responsible for RTW tickets at six clock back.

As if you could really do something ...

parking garage, two your thirty, one tries to sleep. It is much too cold and the heater only works if you rumfaehrt. So you drive around. Park House, six clock. I

the empty four-liter jerry cans cut in half, stealing milk from a coffee shop. The women cluck here and blather, and I've always bought a coffee. There are still Rice Krispies, a banana and a little maple syrup in a backpack. I sleep so crunchy Bananenahornsirupreiskrispies with milk from the lower half of the plastic canister stand because in his socks at the airport parking deck and watch the sunrise over Industrietoronto in ... and has to smile.

THAT is probably the world trip, I think.

to Cathay switch I do not go. Ben I write a mail if I can return to the Wolf Den: fold laundry is always needed and we look forward to my pies. I'm schliessliech Pie-a.

Cat is glad that I'm back, and I erst. I fold a little laundry and go to sleep, brought the two hours between having not so real.
And I do then the next two days (with little in between bake, clean chat and kitchen).

I am sad as Cat runs on Sunday, but on the next Day I'm gone again: on the bus to Buffalo, where I will fly to Seattle after a successful self-organization ...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Watch Pinky Brain Free Online

A long entry. Toronto 20/08/2010

today would have to be the day that I'm going back to Toronto. And must the night that I hit my ears would have to fly tomorrow too much to the Christian life (7:40) via Mexico City to Vancouver. Forget it. But this later.

I am now in Toronto, the last days in the Wolf Den, I spent a cozy laundry-folding and hiking. I acquired the nickname Pie-a (Mhm. Pies ..) and a farewell get american apparell Wolf Den organic cotton T-shirt. That's nice, I wanted to buy one.

Speaking Pies. The Raspberries and blueberries, so you get buy in the supermarket, which actually taste of raspberries and blueberries. Really! Is probably because they grow genetically engineered always warm in California to himself. Sure, I can not even say, because genetic manipulation need not be marked here. Just as eggs. Containing eggs are easy, if that's laying battery or floor pens now, you do not know. Organic animal products are at it hard, at least not in regular supermarkets. It seems Europeans are much more ... natural. Maybe. And the Cat, which will save the world:)

bad I had to go there ....

and now probably go back. Now comes the ticket part. Is complicated, but I'll just try. Atlantis would have some reason, my travel agent, my ticket after I arrived in Toronto to describe a fictional (old) on the real (new) route. Planned wars.
Bloed only when the next one, used Airline, Mexicana de Aviacion and enter the agency. Plan had been, first to Mexico City and then to fly to Vancouver, I shall fly only certain airlines. And thus not a direct flight Toronto-Vancouver comes into question for me because the route is flown only by Canadian Airlines, which are not included in my ticket. Do not go but not via Mexico City, Mexicana flies because I do not anymore, since bankrupt. Second possibility: to fly with American Airlines via Dallas to Vancouver. Do not go, because I have a visa for the USA (72h advance is minimum). Hm I'll stay here a bit. And try my shit ROUND THE WORLD TICKET cancel. Sorry for the Faekalausdruecke, but that was the silliest idea of this whole journey. And I'm not even sure if it's done the reverse. Actually the agency should do, but, ha, yes, yes that gives no more! If the fold
yet, it gets interesting - no set route, no fixed time and I can do what I want ... until the money is made.

Oh and nochwas. I think the memory card of my camera is ruined. Why is now any pictures first. Or ever again. For that I gave me but a cute little 10.1-inch laptop for the equivalent of 250 euro bought (Acer Aspire One Nav50, wens interested) and can satisfy various addictions enough.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Is It Safe To Use Veet Waxing Strips On Breasts?

Botschaft 3.8.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 3 August 2010 + + + AM / ass

Oh mother, you are also here today.

My beloved children:

My heart is full of pain and grief, because my words and warnings are not taken seriously. The hardships will be even bigger now!

you see how upset water, fire, earthquakes and diseases, the whole universe!

you do not notice it, although the early, large cleaning 'is!

why I call my priest sons again:

Repent, is to your flocks and calls for the conversion! So still a lot can be averted. Sets the fear of man goes out to your flocks and fill your order. Not silent, and does not hide you in your homes.

My beloved children:

My heart is so sad because GOD-PERFECT IMAGE is already destroyed in the womb. Probably go down these innocent souls to God, but they call for justice. And these people, the kind of fault, will meet horrible!

God loved the world, animals and plants, and finally created man in His own image.

But for the money people are going over everything. They destroy the plants and change they want. Not, therefore, that all people have to eat, but their profit's sake! To her pleasure's sake, torture, abuse and destroy animals too, although they also feel pain and fear as people.

You MOTHER call again:

It is the most formidable, if man is the unborn, which destroys the image of God, and kills!

When the end does not, it will be terrible!

Do not you see how heretics respect a, which reads: "Increase and multiply"

And what do those who call themselves Christians? They refrain from selfishness and kill God-image, the unborn! Are not these traitors to God's image and still call themselves Christians? Oh horror and disgust!

you might ask: Why must suffer so many innocent people? I, your mother, tell you: These are the souls of God's mercy sure.

For those, however, causing such, the justice of God will be terrible!

why I call you:

Repent! Go to your bishops and priests so that they do with their flocks finally buses. But many priests sons are blind and do not recognize these characters!

Oh my beloved children:

MOTHER You ask: What has to happen, or anything that the shepherds to fulfill its mission again?

you need to say what is sin "and must teach the holy Ten Commandments again and teach them to keep! Much could be saved so yet!

Instead, they follow Satan and his whisperings and forget the Lord. They try their luck and honor in this world. But passing this life. The soul will live on, however, either in the eternity of God, of light or the darkness of Satan!

Satan will attempt to do everything in his possession and to win souls for themselves. But his plans do not work, for those innocent souls that are destroyed by it are in God. Satan can not bring these souls to him.

But for those that borrow such terrible, you have to pray hard so that they would repent, repent, and the word of God, "Increase and multiply" meet again.

Everything is in mess' and we know that this is Satan's work!

so that people can turn back, they must be freed from his clutches. But for this we need deeds, prayer, sacrifice and atonement!

Therefore, my children, I call you again:

Ask your bishops and priests, that at last the signs, yes, understand the horror that has now begun!

Only by repentance, contrition and atonement can not quite be prevented. If it does not follow my words and calling, I, your mother, do nothing! Then my time is ending, I was allowed to come in, to help you!

man with his free will to decide whether to follow the light or the darkness!


Oh mother, why all this, why this blindness? We also mention again and again, rather than stand out. We too often have feelings of fear and are unwilling to fight for the Lord. And suggests to us only in their own 'I' and the souls of the rest of us do not care.

Oh mother, us ask the Holy Spirit that He gives us strength and courage, our own "me" to place and only for you 'to live. We are also complicit in the Destruction of creation. Oh, my God, what have we done, have mercy!

Padre Pio, Brother Klaus, Sister Faustina.

If our prayers, even if its now silent "

because no priest is present, can be no sacrifice of the Mass celebrated.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

25th Birthday Party Invitations

So I will now: Algonquin Park, 08/10/2010

Thanks for the pic, Stephen!

"You could cut off my hand, and I would still live. You could take out my eyes, and I would still live. Cut off my ears, my nose, cut off my legs, and I could still live. But take away the air, and I die. Take away the sun, and I die. Take away the plants and the animals, and I die. So why would I think my body is more a part of me than the sun and the earth? "
(Kathleen Dean Moore)

Granted, that's pretty cheesy. But true.

The Wolf Den work was the best decision I could have made. About Ben (who owns this here) I've already written, something he has studied with ecology. Catherine studied restoration ecology, that is, what do you do to repair damaged ecosystems to. Kristen and Stephen studying geography, he specializes But on geomorphology
"Theres so much to learn!" -.. for what colleagues

The whole hostel is a permaculture, biodegredable laundry detergent and Kloputzmittel also biodegradable, fire learn to do, listen to a talk about edible wild plants. Most cooking is the trick. Barefoot walk in the rain. Raspberries and blackberries, collect beautiful that you taste my cake! Tomorrow I make jam.

And I finally experienced what is called Canoeing.
canoeing, that means getting up at 6:30. Canoe, which means that the Canadian postal cards Dunst is still on the water and you all the haze and sunrise sees almost nothing. Except that it is incredibly beautiful, but it can also be seen with closed eyes. Canoe, which means that to get around without Noise Type on the water, so still that the raccoon a first noticed when one is only 30cm away. Unless one of the "Indian Stroke" dominated, to paddle a kind where you can paddle all the time in the water.

I'm not so much that I leave the car at home, not here in Canada. But every time I have a guilty conscience when I'm sitting in it alone and drive around. Or when I buy fruit from Mexico (so I've now aufgehoert). I see myself in eight and a half months on the outskirts of Vienna in a log cabin with a garden and permaculture and without plastic, with a solar heater made of beer cans and a wild Teesammlung in a jam jar.


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Baby Arrival Text Message Example

Botschaft 27.7.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 27 July 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

These days you have heard back from the Holy Scriptures, how was it for the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

find today held again this Sodom and Gomorrah, where young people are seduced and then follow the footsteps of Satan!

Now what happens to thousands and thousands is a sin, a great sin against God!

Many pastors have been complicit in it by either the holy Ten Commandments proclaimed in a loud voice, nor that they taught these young people and to keep teaching! So many have just looked on and have done with the wild goats have become common cause!

terrible happens! You now have seen and heard, as young people had to die! Well now is pray for these souls, but they have also previously been praying before it came so far?

My beloved children, my priest sons

Are not many of you disagree with each other? When God calls priests and bishops elected, there are many among you who oppose out of jealousy and rebellion.

you preach your own ego and blamed the other for the division among Christians. But you too are guilty because you proclaim your own gospel !

Is not that precisely the split that her zuschiebt but others?

your priest sons

goes in you and follow not the footsteps of Cain, who sought to prevent the sacrifice of Abel and then had to choke on his own smoke!

your priest's sons: Be one with each other and guide your herds in unity. Teach your outbreaks, the holy Ten Commandments from childhood on and also teaches them to keep them!

you Comfort ye not with the words: "This is timely, because nothing can be more ! Make "I, your mother, you say you can do much, but you must muster the courage to do it!

My beloved children:

So many things will still happen and God has been setting the new mark. But people still do not understand or they do understand anything!

Woe to those who see action, but against it!

My beloved children, and my sons love priests serving their God in faithfulness:

Be strong, courageously and does not retreat, but does your ministry just as they have given you the Lord added. Preach the Word of God and celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of deep faith in God and keep the sanctuary clean from any filth!

Like me, your mother, have said many times before: pray, prays for the many young people who gather again in sin ', so that God need not intervene as in Sodom and Gomorrah!

Yes to the righteous that the Lord has held back his arm still. But alas, there are less and less friendly!

pray, sacrifice, atone and ask God for forgiveness. Knocking her to your own chest, where you fail you! Compete also shows her that you know the eternal truth, and yet she says. Be courageously and not flinch.

And you, my children, be commissioned to do God manifested in the world!

prayer, atonement and sacrifice! The days are running out!


No, oh no, my God, we are often so cowardly and silent, we should talk. Oh, my God have mercy. Mother would ask us the Holy Spirit that He gives us strength and courage to fulfill our tasks as it does the LORD require of us. My God, why do not happen so much to this blindness taken from us is? Oh God, have mercy, have mercy.

Padre Pio:

Again, you call on your brothers in the priesthood: Meets the words of the mother, because so much is yet to come. Her few, even their few have the power of God received, to heal and resurrect from death. Following this call and fill your order!

Oh, my priest sons who follow me and God darbringt Victims: Be brave, steadfast and endure. Does not differ from those back, you want to prevent them, for God will one day require all accountable!

Go and fill your Order. Stay true to your vocation and not flinch. Take any sacrifice to you, because the cross is not heavier than you can bear it!

It will one day be your great comfort, even as her your ministry in this world lived have, always will be forever "

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Poptropica Money Maker Com

Ottawa et Montréal, 04/08/2010

laundry in Montreal, it was raining like hell

From Mont-Royal, guess where



Poutine! (In Quebecois pronounce "Putsin)

My host is quite right, full of nice people all!

This is the fattest cat I've ever seen. From the back she looked like a bear.

Ottawa, some important building, and the moon.

Ottawa, is normally held "No problem" "No Service"


I have all the time "Metal Cafe read" ... crazy street name

I before the Parliament

Parliament Hill

Parliament Hill

This is actually for stray cats, but there are so many squirrels as pigeons in Vienna (approx.)

Ottawa, Marché

Parliament Hill

Ottawa, Museum
Ottawa, Notre Dame

Martin (he did not interred that I have a photo of him on my blog I) - funny guy.

From Algonquin Park we went on to Ottawa. That's better than here in Toronto, low, a bit sweeter and a bit French. But that's about it, what I can tell, because more than running around in my neighborhood I would not afford it. After three nights we went anyway is more to Montreal (the é on this keyboard is a separate button), and until now, yes I "really like you!

Montréal met some stereotypes, at least what I've noticed so far. One hates Ontario, and the French, the English, so to speak. Why have you been to Ontario? Sorry, I had to land there. I'm sorry, really. Everything here is much better, really.

There are lots of Victorian houses and the city is very very alternative-student, a huge seventh district, as it were, we love all people except the English-speaking Canadians, French and a bit more than everyone else. With a bunch of bars and small restaurants, all a bit different than the next and colorful, and the roads are hilly, I like that.

Yesterday I ate poutine. Who does not know, I'll take is to no one, the national dish poutine in Quebec. Yes what, one wonders, is determined by French influence, something very fine, goose liver with bouillabaisse and coq au vin taste-as a side dish or something that allow anybody to be special ... think.
Poutine consists of a giant pile of fries, topped with BBQ sauce and a pile of cheese. I felt as if i had me after drinking a liter of cooking oil and was still happy that I've proboiert. It is sooo horrible as it looks, I am in the beginning gefuerchet a little.

Today I will make the city unsafe and hopefully even the world famous nightlife . Explore On Friday, we go back to Algonquin!