Friday, July 30, 2010

How To Do A3 Poster In Powerpoint

Where the wolves howl, Algonquin Park 30/07/2010

Algonquin Park is located 4 hours further north-east as Toronto. Actually. If I had had a navigation system (I bought yesterday one), I probably would have needed only 5, but there were ... eleven. Whatever.

The "Hostel", and this is by far an understatement, is located at the west entrance of the park and consists of several log cabins, in which there are many different beds. And one Hauptblockhuette. And it is as good as ALL of wood. The toilet paper roll holders are Branches. The beds from untreated tree trunks. The walls, the floor, all all wood. And it smells of incense sticks, the owner makes the morning Tai Chi and searches the Internet for do-it-yourself installations for the purpose of alternative energy supply (eg a solar heating from black beer cans). Or is time just two pieces of wood fire. Steven is an intern here and gurkt bafuss the day in the woods around to explore animals and plants. Recently he has pulled off a bear's fur, go with him next week I go canoeing (habs alone tried, but that's not so easy ... ahem, have to make do not wind). Hiking about roots is beautiful, especially with Gelsenkirchen spray.

the MAL Canada as ego imagine. However, I have not seen in any other country so many critters run over on the roadside. are far, about 30th Here we must turn from red to the right (but not in Montreal).

Have been a "Moose" in the woods sees. And finally, heard from a Baerenattacke on the radio.

Oh, and next week. Next week I'll be back in the Algonquin Park, "work for stay". That means I work at the hostel a few hours a day and may it live here - that's good for my strained budget. And more than wonderful for me because after a bit at home, smelling the hostel, and makes me a hippie, the whole place.

photos soon:) The best hostel in the world with the Schirch Homepage World: (of then give me better photos)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sample Greeting Speech

Botschaft 20.7.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother !

Tuesday 20 July 2010
+ + + AM / ass

My beloved children, my dear priests sons

Today I am very particular to you. You all know that humanity is warned when a deadly disease affects the body. People go to the doctor and hope for healing.

you, you sons of my priests, I ask that you have received the power and strength to heal souls and resurrect them from death, yes, I ask you, where are you, her doctors that could heal these souls? Yes, where are you?

the sacrament of Holy Orders you have received the power and strength. You do not look for drugs! No, you will have the power and force to resurrect the souls of even death. But I ask you, where is your reputation, your willingness to heal the soul?

not have many of you this nice and big Sacrament, this pearl, thrown in the dirt? Yes, where are you, the public call for healing? This is done with the teaching of the holy Ten Commandments, yes, it is already beginning!

Even the little ones should be taught what sin is and what is not, because their souls are much susceptible. Has not told the Lord. "Let the children come to me, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"

Where are you priests who teach these kids and lead them to the holy sacraments? Where is your courage to publicly proclaim what is sin and what is not? This hath God chosen !

<> Among you there are so many who call sin no more, sin ', and say even go so far as to: "Satan does not exist"

have this priest sons all in the service of Satan. Woe to them that they have received their reward!

why I call you, my priest sons on

Where even the little ones to the holy sacraments! Teach them and tell them who God is and what He loves and also tells them what sin is and how ugly it is. The Little understanding that, as is the growing human being.

Have you not a profane proverb that says, "You can teach an old dog new tricks ..."

Why you go out then, and wasted your time with souls that are already dominated by sin? From an early age she would teach her! Monitor those who do this service with the children, because For this purpose it is responsible! You, who have promised to the Lord, his teaching unadulterated to announce . Does not deny things that lead to death, and denies even when Satan comes and tempts all!

If this calls to public and warns against this deadly disease!

well the body can die, but the soul, my priest sons, live on the soul. You decide repeatedly whether the soul dies and goes down, or if you're willing to rescue them! You are responsible first for the soul!

you, my priest sons

I am come especially for you to help you. Again and again I call you to hear my voice, but only a few!

Yes, they reject the mother who has given the Lord on the Cross, on behalf of the Apostle!

My beloved priest sons

you gathered around me and give me your hand. I will guide and encourage you and ask you with the Holy Spirit, that He leads you and guides. Do not be afraid and do not flinch! Be brave! Your reward shall be great, because you're going to be a priest for ever '!

And you, my beloved children:

Pray with me for the many priests sons who have become weak and discouraged. Pray also for those who have taken up the fight and fight with me against the enemy, the deadly disease of The soul has sown!

If you already know the little ones the holy Ten Commandments, it is much, much better. These kill the unborn child is no longer, because they know what is sin and that God wants them to obey His commands.

Directive are the holy Ten Commandments, so that the soul may enter once into eternity!


No, oh Mother, you know, everything that happens and also see that even more hardships when we do not convert us. Oh Mother, give us strength and courage that we also pray for the priests increased again, because with they stand or fall of humanity, the spiritual salvation.

Oh mother, would never betray the Lord, so many that we had enough good priest. Oh mother-strengthening, You bring your sons and priests now out those that were kept hidden until now so that they can stand out now, before more is destroyed!

mother, oh mother, that terrible pride. Everything is the result of Satan! Satan tries to destroy everything! Oh mother crushes, you now the head of this snake!

mother, oh mother, take us to your hand and help us!

Padre Pio, and you call on your brothers in the priesthood:

follow the words of the mother, because it may soon be too late! "

Now begins the very severe punishment for the suffering mass.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Urinating A Lot, Abdominal Discomfort

Niagara Falls ... Niagara Falls, 24.07.2010

Here I am now until tomorrow, 25.07.2010. This is about offering only the Hilton in Mexico City (I have to overnight stay and the Hilton is the airport there)

happy and wet after using the "Maid of the Mist"

" Maid of the Mist ". The far right is a little piece of the falls on the Canadian side.

before "Maid of the Mist"

The cases on the American side, although handsome because the stones are not looong as impressive as those on the Canadian side

the first discovery of Niagara Falls, with a little glassy-eyed

The American cases

So I know not what is there so in the Niagara River inside ... but something is there, which at least lets me be all excited when I come in near the falls.
The air is humid throughout the city, and the city looks to be like Disneyland. Neon lights, wax museum, spareribs, Tom Horton's only plastic everywhere, and sugar.

But the Niagara Falls. As I said, I was very jittery and always microenvironment the more I came closer, they discovered so far been of the gorge. But when I then saw that I almost cried. And on the "Maid of the Mist" because it was not much better. You drive on the Tuckelboot gaaaanz up close to the falls, and you see hardly anything because everything is full of "crap" (The German word "haze" I find under powered on, as are the giant drop and not just water, dust) and it is loud and wet and beautiful, no, uuunfassbar great!

Adrenaline I am then out of the boat and buy a souvenir shop would have enthusiasm all can, but I stayed back and so it was only postcards.

I think I will again at Niagara Falls and continue to do everything all you can thus make to stupid tourist-actions. Awesome!

morning I drive to Algonquin Provincial Park, as there is then no internet for five days or so. But I'm sure it will then be a looong blog entry. Now I am first of all have a night in a motel / hostel that I can not really afford it (see first picture).

Friday, July 23, 2010

Silverado With Ls7 For Sale

Photos of Kitchener, Kitchener, 23/07/2010

baked apple rings


Kitchener was called Berlin

St. Jacobs Farmers Market


Me and my wreck

I am in the basement room

The basement room

My host - thank you for making me feel so welcome:)

Sunset in Kitchener

In Canada, they burn trees.

I and James, a friend of Kyle

The dog