Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Appology Letter To Boss For Late Coming

Botschaft 29.6.2010

message the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 29 June 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children,

today I am writing to you to pray and sacrifice to me, especially for so many bishops and priests who do not exercise their vigilance. This may allow the sanctuary of God, the sacrificial altar, is collected and used for secular conduct. You listen to the wolves in sheep's clothing, enter them that was good.

My beloved children: for it is an abomination to God, when His sanctuary is being abused and wasted!

My beloved children: How often am I've come and had sent in the name of my divine Son many words to you.

But you often omit much that you can accomplish the united Had!

Oh, my beloved children, how terrible it is, because so many of my priest sons to hear the wolves in sheep's clothing and abuse their vigilance. And I ask you to pray for them, because God will take them to account once!

Oh, my children, how terrible this is why I ask you to be faithful and endure, for it will come even more hardships that will be more terrible if no conversion takes place!

your bishops and priests:

fulfill the mission of God, for you are shepherds and shall be true shepherds!

But many of you become seducers and instead of it nourishes and heals your flocks, it lets her down.

you, my faithful priest sons

Speak you also for the bishops before, if you discover that something is good, what they do. Take your courage together and not always return deviates from the fear of man! Tell your boss what is not good.

My beloved children:

They are now my prayers and my coming to you. Fulfills the request and take the message out again. Then go in you and think about what you did not do anything. For much, much more so I asked you. But you have only met a few things of my requests.

It is bad for humanity, to the earthly world, for all is abused and made sin!

It is Satan who caused all this and so many are hearing him and that is terrible!

The bishops and priests should be again concerned that the sanctuary of God in the Holy Eucharist, every knee bends again and that only God the glory is given. God's temple, his property must be clean from all sin and all impurity. God is a faithful God and He makes sure that HE is worshiped, or if you are against Him by His SANCTUARY abused and His glory is drawn in the dirt!

Oh, my child, as you know, it's terrible. Also, you learn again how Satan tries, gaining power over souls.

My beloved children:

Follow my prayers and met them where it is possible for you. The Holy Spirit is with you, if you ask him a question. And I, your mother will, you always hold out my hand again, if you asks me!

But my time since, as I may go now to an end!

My dear children: It's up to you and to my priest sons in the Episcopate and the Priesthood, if the requests implemented to which I was allowed in the name of my Divine Son bring.

too have free will. But ye shall receive the Holy Eucharist again and again the force if its worthy of the Lord receives.

remains faithful and not flinch. Leave the narrow path, because the right and left lurking disaster.

Pray, atone and sacrifice, because those hours come to an end!


No, oh mother, why we fail again and again? Well, we hear your prayers, but we follow them so little. Often we disagree, rather than that we act together would. Oh, mother ask, you give us the Holy Spirit that He gives us the courage to stand up for what you ask and that each individual tries to implement it the way it is possible for him. Oh, my God, what have we done, so what have we done ...? So often we are cowardly and silent, we should talk. We are selfish and only look to ourselves and our neighbor is often so far.

Padre Pio:

Meets the request of the mother! You ask especially your brother priests: Enter ye forth and there is a beginning for God's sanctuary, so that these abuses to an end "

Now! the very severe punishment for the suffering mass.


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