Wednesday, July 21, 2010

96 Zrt 600 Triple Top Speed

Botschaft 6.7.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 6 July 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children,

first I am writing today to the bishops of your country.

you, bishop of the diocese:

you received as a guard the contract for the sanctuary of God. But it makes you that the shrine of God is abused by secular practices and devastated. Go and clean the temple of God, because you know the words from the scriptures where the Lord walked when he was still on earth, the prayer house with an iron hand-cleaned. So go back and clean it, for you are the guardian, he was appointed by the Lord. Never search your own praise of men.

Then I turn to the bishop, who called the successor of Peter in his ministry:

you I repeat those words I've said many times before: True ecumenism is returning to the eternal truth. I stress: If return! With God there is no compromise, only a yes, yes or no, no. Everything else is a lie.

Then I call upon all bishops of your country and the whole universe on

Sit down finally for the unborn! Proclaimed loudly and publicly what it is a terrible sin to kill the unborn in the womb. For in the womb of the Lord many priests and religious, has been the case! Therefore not always complains that there are too few priests! It makes you complicit by their silence!

Then I also call on you, my beloved priest sons

Silence can you, even though it is often difficult.

Give God alone be the glory!

Is it not often Irr-and non-believers that "their God", a false god, honor he have?

And what do you do? Give her the true God, Him alone, the honor?

know, he is a jealous God and brooks no strange gods beside him!

These are my words today, especially to you, O ye bishops and priests, I beseech you:

fulfill them before it's too late!

And you, little flock:

Go and pray often and much to the bishops and priests. Do not condemn them. Sit still in love. I come often and for a long time to you and you know my words. Forget them, but also meets her she is not silent and you are to speak out to her.

Compete brave out and say to the governments who do, God-less', that they, too, once their Wages are received.

Pray, atone and sacrifice! The time to come to an end!


No, mother, oh mother, that terrible free will. He often tends only to evil. We are all guilty and we all have failed. Oh mother ask, you give us the Holy Spirit, that He shows us the path. And you, O Mother, take our hand and lead and hold on us, as you have always promised it whenever we would ask you. Oh, my God, what have we done? Oh God: mercy, mercy.

Padre Pio, Brother Klaus, Sister Faustina: you are silent ... "

Now begins the very severe punishment for the suffering mass.


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