Thursday, December 23, 2010

Trader Joes Celtic Sea Salt

Botschaft 14.12.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 14 December 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

Today I'll address a few words to you. However, with the request to comply with and take to heart. Remains light. Yes, you will light in the darkness!

I ask you today with my novena to the Holy Spirit to pray for the many souls holy these days are about, in serious debt to receive the Holy Eucharist.

you, my priest sons, I call: Prepares these souls and tell them what is written in Scripture: "Who unworthily receive the body and blood of the Lord, who also receives the COURT "

Yes, my children: Many things are done these days: lots of crime and many sins! You know the world is on the brink! Wherefore, be light, and pass it! Lights those who were not seduced by your own fault and the MR not know! Pray for these souls and is a for them. Help them find you, it is possible that they may know God again, repent, confess and follow him back to!

My beloved children: The serious sin can be eased only by receiving the holy sacrament of the buses, I repeat: Only by the holy sacrament of Penance! No one can even forgive the sins. The Lord has appointed to the priests and gave them power and authority to resolve and bind!

Therefore, I exhort you to pray in this holy day especially for the souls which are in the process of the tribunal of God to call down on you!

you, my children: Go into the silence and take out the holy book and read what happened during these holy days. Remains true and faithful and expires not sin. Satan tries to destroy everything! Even good souls are weak!

why pray also for you own so that their light remains, and again and again by the worthy reception of the sacraments of new light will!

I ask you to follow these words. Once again I call you, pray with me the novena to the Holy Spirit, therefore may not learn many of the grace of repentance. Pray, pray, pray, because the days are getting shorter! God will intervene! Yes, God intervenes and creates restore order, but that will be painful! But repentance and conversion can save even more! Therefore remains strong! Pray, pray, pray!

Myrtha " Oh mother, what will happen again and that everything will be back for a burden of sin? Oh God, have mercy and be merciful. Do not let all the tears that Satan itself. to see Oh God, send Your Holy Spirit to us strength to confess and repent! Only repentance and humility can still be saved. Oh God, have mercy rule you and let your mercy, for you have but said, "your sins are still as red as blood, they shall be white as snow." you give the grace to do so. Oh God, oh my God, what will happen again everything?

Padre Pio: you ask your brother priests: meets the requests of the MOTHER! If you by one soul is saved, you will bear much fruit can bring and the Lord will remember. Be brave, steadfast and courageous and let your words get to the herds. "

Now the suffering severe punishment begins to mass.

Monday, December 20, 2010

How Long Can Trichomoniasis Last

Botschaft 7.12.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday December 7 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children: is

Today again my heart full of grief and my Divine Son angry about what is happening now!

His coming will be collected and used to do business, yes, terrible business! These shops are worse than those of the changers and merchants in the temple at that time!

Who knows at all what these businesses? Terrible it is!

That was true charity, as the shepherds fell in the stable, the child, worshiping and what little they owned, shared with Him. They expected no counter-gift. By his coming, the Lord but made them the greatest gift!

My beloved children: So many lights are now lit in villages, cities, squares, streets and houses. I ask you: Who knows at all mean that these lights?

If only one of these lights burn in the souls, so it would look very different in the world!

But humanity is brutalized and everyone looks only for themselves! Modern man is no longer willing to share, as at that time the shepherds were and did.

it so happens these days: the wealth is shifted back and forth! Everyone wants more be and to have than the other! And all in the name of the child, the son of God. Awesome is that!

My beloved children:

Do what the shepherds away and what does not need it. Give the starving to drink and eat. You know exactly how many people die daily of hunger and thirst! Does the charity! This does not mean that you rejoice at the birth of Jesus and not themselves any pleasure should already. However, everything in moderation and aim! Again I ask you: Give the poor and weak, what you need yourself. This is Christmas! Yes, that's the birth of Christ and is also says GOD!

wealth in the world is useless!

his arm like the shepherds, and they mimic their actions, that is, be willing to share!

That, my dear children, Christmas, the Nativity of the Lord: charity, Charity, charity!

Myrtha: " Oh mother why are we so selfish? We always think we would have to have more. We are doing so good and yet we still want more! Oh mother would ask us the grace of humility and willingness to share. Oh Mother, the Lord wants of us that we all that we do not need to put in the crib and do that good. This is the birth of Jesus: He gives himself to us and this is the greatest gift of all! And we ourselves will give us the Lord, our life, our existence! Again the Lord has protected us so much and we thank him enough and still in the wrong way! Oh God, have mercy! Let's wake up these days and see what YOU have given us with your birth: YOURSELF, the rescue from eternal death!

Padre Pio: Oh, her bishops and priests: As often as you teach the charity! Silk but now worried that it not only in words takes place, but especially in deeds! "

Now the suffering severe punishment begins to mass.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Chest Sitting Weretling

A deer hides, dumpster diva, and that capitalism is bad. First

CRIC in-house, we come to the evening. Explained that from CRIC stands for "Cultural and Rehabilitation Centre Internship," and who wants to understand better instead look at their blog: It says in there what they would have loved.

We will be greeted nice in the old house is all a bit chaotic and warm from the many people from the tee and from the food. It smells of incense sticks. The girl with the cute face, short major and long armpit hair asks us whether we want to help out today already. "Do you want to skin a deer?" - Maybe. We say hello and take our stuff away for now.

The deer is roadkill, one of the Grundstuecksbewohner has knocked down with his truck - something of course you can not degenerate, and the animal we disassembled.
When we join them, the deer with dripping neck hangs over a bowl. "Do you need any help?" we ask. They take turns, first the coat a bit away from the breast is before the cut. How to get the innards out there now is to know but none of the three, for sure. It's dark and I think the headlights. Finally
of dining and attracts a PIPE, so everything runterplumpst dranhaengt finally with. Heart, lungs and everything else will be added to Meatallschuesseln. If I could get in the kitchen and do the lung in a separate vessel before everything is in the refrigerator. I summarize below the outside, the metal is hot.
The lungs do so in an extra bowl, but before that she still has to be separated from everything else, which means that the things I need to cut apart to attack.

can not. I can not. Very briefly, the warm flesh. But prepare I can not: who could do that maybe others? No problem.

We sleep in the car the next day after breakfast, we are working on the Bathhouse: soil, sand and straw with water relatively somehow processed into building material and shaped into something like walls. In the evening, everyone says how he or she feels and what was the highlight, I feel funny.

In the next few days we will prepare a part of the plot for Rain to listen to, and like a half hour full seriousness is a debate about whether it is fair to leave the window open rather, for those who want it, or close it, for those who are cold. We participate in the "freeskool" part, where the group tried the others - for whatever reason - to bring quantum physics closer. You ask around, why capitalism is bad and is pushing me to the felt, they do it "for us." It's not a big "Aha", "Oho," but it's the obvious things we all know. But Alex wears suede shoes and I have a Jack Wolfskin jacket, the most irritated.

begins in the next few days it rained only a little, then more and more to pour. In the car it is damp and cold, the mattress starts to smell weird and starts me for a long, long time (until the end of Cuba) to do the hip and leg pain.

One evening talking about the upcoming distribution of work, I go to that time was a bit long on purpose outside the bathroom, it will not be obligated to take part. When I get back, Alexakimu has notified us both for dumpster-diva - Yeeha.

The absolute hightlight of the whole stay will therefore still be on the same. Alex, Marissa and I drive about half past nine going on in the evening, the mattress in our van is rolled back and Marissa has maps and flashlights. She is 15 and lives for some time - of course with the parents Permit - In CRIChouse. The hair she wears short, and the rest of her appearance is similar in to that of the other girls in CRIChouse: Shaving is not that comfortable clothes and who need bras. Even if one notes that her young age, she has backfischige hormone flushes pretty well under control.
Marissa tells me the way to our first container, it is a business with many organic products and a large fruit and Gemueseauswahl, and when a silver car stands, is the owner there. But there is nothing. We grab the torches and walk the few steps to the gate, behind which the dumpster is located, Marissa gives a click and we slip into the yard, then we climb one by one into metal learn in the treasure trove. You have to look here to find the good stuff, but if one has once burrowed through the angrauten discover salad, fruit for fruit, pounds of peaches. And then also, of course potatoes, tomatoes, mushrooms, rhubarb, lemons, lemons. We put everything into boxes and then into the car, then we drive to Safeway. Pure adrenaline, I'm excited and happy.

There is no sichtgeschuetzten parking and the business has come openly, sometimes by people on the street. I do not trust me at first, because I think a camera to see and say the two, they should go without me. But they come after a few seconds with boxes of food back: "We scored the boxtower"
- Today is not anything exceptional Safeway is the only way around, but is packaged in beautiful boxes. Because it keeps me even more and run to the two, the heart beats: I'm so excited! An incredible amount of food we pack into our cars, so full that Marissa has hardly any space left after.

What we finally get home, I have - that we have everything washed and sorted - following in mind:

10l-a-cup cherry tomatoes avocados

-8 10l-a-cup peaches
-ca. 20 Lemon / Lime Cheesecakes

-3 -3 pounds Donuts
-an incredible amount of red beets salad
-8 -5
kilo potatoes
-ca. 15 filled sandwich
- not so little of the green from the red-Rueben
a banana box full of full of bananas
-a banana box with mushroom
-500g vegan pork roast (or something similar)
-7 sweet potatoes
-ca. 10 pieces roots (carrots and similar)-
a few pomegranates
-15 -7 -1 star fruit pears

-10 -10
zucchini eggplant
pair of pumpkins, a bag of bagels

... and unbelievable much other good food, lots of really really much.

On the last day then we do not have much, Alex and I go to relax, walking, and he plays kalimba. We drive about 10 clock going in the morning, because we are planning another long drive to San Diego - where we are in the Meanwhile, the car sold through eBay.

create To my surprise we all drive to San Diego in a day.

crichouse crichouse


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mount And Blade Sergeant

Botschaft 23.11.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 23 November 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

Today I shall repeat the words that you remember deep in your soul you shall.

I have told you that days will come, as are many of you are mistaken about what is happening now!

You know, there were apostles who were also mistaken, as the Lord or on earth walked. But she acknowledged and repented.

My children, now done so many things that people really confused!

Therefore, I urge you: Stand firm in your faith! So, as you have him or receive from your parents and especially by the priests. Hold firmly to this belief and never doubted!

For there will now be days, days of darkness, where tears will flow and the wailing will be great!

Next I also told you that

sin against God was as big as ever today !

- It is the sin of pride!

- A man wants to be bigger than God!

- A man decides when a life begins and when it is completed!

God alone is the Lord of life and death!

Everything else comes from Satan! This attempts to entrain what it can do!

Wherefore, my beloved children entreat, I command you: Stay vigilant! Turn to me and held out your hand so that I can lead you through this darkness!

I'm also for you come that you remain strong!

I will ask the Holy Spirit, that He is in you and in the dark force!

People will follow each other! Just as it says in the Scriptures: Man to woman, children against parents and parents against children!

But you can pray, pray, yes pray to convert many more!

pray especially for you and your children!

Pray and pray for all mankind, so that souls can still be saved!

That, my children are my words to you today.

it shapes into your souls and be steadfast. Will not mistaken for what is coming now! Pray, pray, pray!

Myrtha: "Oh Mother, it is now so far? Oh mother why the man is doing so terrible? Yes, this pride, this terrible pride! Oh God, have mercy and do not let go under the world! For You, oh Lord, but are the creator of all being and life. Oh God, clean shower, so can resurrect everything in the Light! Oh God, have mercy, have mercy!

Padre Pio: You call your brothers in the priesthood to "Be shepherds now in this difficult time! Does your flocks, remains steadfast and true! Because the cross is hard for you too be. Fight for eternal truth! Fights, even fights, the reward will be great once! "

Now the very serious atonement suffering begins to mass.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rent A Chamberlain For Quince

the rest of the USA (in half).

Where were we?

01.10.-03.10. We slept in Vancouver
cheesy B & B with nothing but old people, Pia wants to learn such a great evening now but flamenco. Famous Fish and Chips on Granville Iceland and Stadtspaziergaenge! Pia's Afraid of the border, Alexaki sees the left. We are well prepared and tell the border guards souveraen almost anything, then we shall be Open country.

03.10.-06.10. Seattle
Luckily there to eat in the hostel, so we can spend the money for beer afterwards, in a bar where bands play for free fat old good music. A photo in front of the "Gum Wall", where everyone's chewed gum hinklebt must also be before we fall into bed with Big Weltraumbettwaesche. The market is impressive and there are apples that taste like Dr. Pepper (Note: eye-catching taste many things smell / by Dr. Pepper, but about it another time), so we prefer to buy Mario-berry jam, which we believe it or not 1.5 months uncooled help out. The apple was supposed to taste like grape "Grapple" (yes, seriously)

dino in seattle


We make our way to San Francisco and after the visit of Jimi Hendrix '(+ family) grave we sleep in the parking lot of a mall (or rather, a shopping town) in the car. Sounds rather exciting as that, and Pia gackt bissl in again, while Alex does the left. Sleeping is OK and the next day goes on the road trip, the music is good, the bad diet, the weather is better.

The grave of Hendrix

We sleep in the car again and drive a lot.

08:10 to 09:10.
After two days and two nights only in the car decided at the end of the third day, to spend the night in a motel in Crescent City. The price is very very OK (59 $), and there is even something like "breakfast". Before we continue, a man comes into the "lobby", which turns with a stern expression to the small Asian receptionist: "There is no
bible in the room". She looks confused and grateful, he nods, we move on.

the car park of the mall wake

eat on the go.

Motel Crescent City

Motel Crescent City

We are now on the 101 and not ride on the Interstate 5th We come to California and find the most beautiful beach for a break, where Alex holds the sun. Driving through the gigantic redwoods, "as it is already dark. After each curve shows a new, breastfeeding and powerful, with incredible straight trunk rises one meter in length and diameter in the black sky. That is because asphalt, sheared off the roots are not at all, and they take the space they need. From the trees that lined the street directly and too wide, are part to make the stem to cut away the cars. Who wins as well? We stay in a Safeway parking lot and come the next day to evening in San Francisco. who

sand foot

the sun

the tree hugging climb

the tree

(almost) by the tree (yes, this is a tree) go butscher

the tree!

This Amis ...

In San Francisco you can not park, so we parked the car in Sausalito, a suburb of nifty SF, and take the bus to downtown. There we meet in a small Mexican takeaway Eric, his friends and roommates: Eric, we had contacted about, and after we had called off the couch, an innocent beer joint and the night was decided in the car. From a beer and several have been missed the last bus, so we spaetnachts then "secretly" but spent the night with Eric.
Rents in San Francisco are so expensive that it is normal for a room to share with one or two other people. So it is that Eric and his room-roommate share a single bed (by his happiness knew nothing beforehand of course) and Pia and Alex sleep together in Eric's single bed. As with the rest of the roommates agreed and stop the free parking in Sausalito at eight in the morning, we sitzenn but after about 3 hours and again in the first bus there. What a lucky, because we would have otherwise never get this incredible views of SF's skyline:

After a bit more sleep in the car that was first on a free P & R off and park before we return once more on the way to downtown. Then Eric with a "Full House"-Park, which is much smaller than he looks on TV (and shame that we do not know the real name). What we have actually done otherwise? We sleep today at Michael, Eric's best friend.

We will meet again with Eric, making the evening the "Jazz District" uncertain. Since Alexaki lands on the stage at the jam, getting the CD with the bass player who wants namely as all necessarily play Porgy.

13.10.-16.10. Fitzgerald
That's now with couch surfing, and we take a double room at the Fitzgerald. Pia feels very nice and we are sick for two days at the hotel. Thank god there as a TV. Alexaki takes care of the ailing like a baby. Since you will be better soon!

Pia're doing better, on the road again. On the way to LA and Southern California, it is warmer, somehow. Late evening we have in any small town by the sea in front of a nightclub, and before going to sleep (in the car before the night club) walk.

We come in the evening in LA, but the hostel we booked until tomorrow. We sleep in the car in front of the hostel.

18:10 to 19:10.
We move on to the hostel, and while our room is made ready, we go buy ingredients for a chili con carne. The Chili tastes good and then we drive around with the car, because that is the best way to see the city.

San Francisco, 6am

San Francisco

... hehe.

Alex is the best.

Since the beginning of the trip was Pia's plan to WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms: Use the "farm" for room and board) and had a special "Farm" in mind: the CRIChouse. Normally you have to apply months in advance, or at least weeks, and since we had not done it, has since Pia no longer thought of it. Alex has organized but then somehow, and then was rescheduled and went on the road. Sorry, but Pia the place it wrong in the head and then we go first to San Luis Obispo (which is back towards San Francisco) to on it get then that desired place Sebastapol means and again five hours further north, ie back towards SF content. As Pia was pissed because we had already spent a night in a car in San Luis Obispo and no longer wanted to drive the car and also in the "wrong" direction. But we are still went there.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Scooter Metal Cover Eagle

Botschaft 16.11.2010

Botschaftder Blessed Mother

Tuesday 16 November 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

My heart is full of sorrow and my Divine Son is angry at the horror that is happening now in the name of His holy birth.

business is operated and invented sparkle and glitter! All this has nothing to do with the birth of Christ, His coming to do!

My beloved children: terrible is that! God does not abuse it!

you know that God was poor in the world. And the poorest of the poor appeared first at the crib and her little they had, they shared with the Lord. And what happens now? Sparkle and glitter to be invented in order to do business.

Yes, they do not even know what is celebrated for a celebration!

My beloved children: Today, no one can say: I do not know what is happening in the world. There are poor, the sick, the hungry and thirsty much of the whole Scattered world! And who is willing to follow these poorest even a bowl of rice or a drink of water to give?

Instead, fatten and kill animals in order to satisfy themselves and their gluttony!

My beloved children: It does not mean that you burn no lights Dared. But you shall do this in remembrance of the Light has come into the world! Take the crib out and see what the Lord was born poor and naked! Think of Him and are always willing to share. Dared

well you rejoice at the coming of Christ. Because he was, he is and he remains the SAVIOUR the world!

Salvation is the greatest gift and it begins in the crib!

My beloved children: Be prepared! Pray and sacrifice, especially in these days when God is offended so terrible!

Again I repeat:

ER was poor in the world, as Savior, as God;

yes, the son of the MOST HIGH!

Be prepared especially these days! Make sacrifices, pray and atone for the terrible insults and for the great GOD!

It will be a Time come when you too will have to recognize what is, HUNGER 'and means!

prays and sacrifices atone! Be modest, especially in these days and become one with the child in the manger!

Pray, atone and sacrifice, because only repentance can save the world yet!

Myrtha: "Once it was the changer, the abused the sanctuary of God. And now they abuse your divine Son for their businesses and wealth. Oh Mother, please, come and crushes the snake head, before it is too late. But you have promised to stay with us when we ask only that. Oh mother, please, please, leave us not! "

Padre Pio, Brother Klaus, Sister Faustina: silent your ..."

Now begins the very severe punishment for the suffering mass.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Best Hd Semi Pro Camcorder

Botschaft 9.11.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 9 November 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

Today I'll address a few words to you and I ask you to memorize them deep into your hearts!

Today I am with and among you. I, your mother will pray with you and for you so that you remain steadfast in the faith, in faith and love!

you a Memo those words, because the tests are now large, and even many of you will not understand, because the human idea of God and follow His idea will not!

remains steadfast and true, what will always happen, because God will put an end to the sinful act!

The glass is full!

And I ask you, from waiting! Do not get discouraged and keep you firmly in my hand. If you ask a question, I will lead you through this vale of tears.

Yes, my beloved children: The tests will be great!

But the man wanted to and caused by his own sinful deeds!

Again I say unto you, God's patience runs out!

Therefore, I urge you again, endures, remains loyal and steadfast in faith, hope and love!

These are my words to you today.

Now we pray together for all the sinners in their Debt and persist in their pride and do not repent!

pray for you and your children so that none is lost, but that they are back to faith and God's glory and worship, for no prayer in vain!

Pray, atone and sacrifice!

I am with you, you, your loving mother!


Oh Mother, keep us firmly in your hand, because we are sinners and complicit in this purification. O Mother, pray for us! Yes, pray for us!

Padre Pio, Brother Klaus, Sister Faustina:

Please stay our intercessor! Yes, is our intercessor, even if it is silent now ... "

Audit Planning Template

Botschaft 4.11.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Thursday 4 November 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

You all know from Scripture that the people rebelled against God in the Old Testament. The people sinned, and set up other gods, which then gave the honor.

Then the LORD appointed each Prophet had the urge and call out:

If you change and repent, God will punish you! "

Many have been slandered by these prophets, persecuted and even killed!

My beloved children:

The present sin against God is the most terrible that happened in all the time and always done!

has therefore sent me my divine Son, your mother, in order to "little nothing" call to repentance!

But again, my beloved children, are my words died away in the wind!

Many priests sons, for I have come especially to hear, not me. No, they listen to the desires of crazed sheep, looking for only their honor and wealth in this world.

Oh, my beloved children:

hear so many of the suggestions of Satan, who says: "We are bigger than God and we do not serve, because we can do everything yourself." Yes, they rise above God, by they have created the life and determine when born and died when will!

My children, God has not only created the world and man. He has also created animals and plants that meet every year and over again its development. And even then engages the human being. He wants to change everything from pride and out of desire for honor and wealth in this world!

My beloved children:

Today we want to pray in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass especially for the many bishops and priests who perform their missions and not to me, listen to their mother. Many priests sons do not call to repentance and conversion and are partly responsible for the destruction of many souls. Out of pride they fail because they can just convert themselves first . Would They are no longer servants of God, but servants of this world!

Again I say unto you

"! If no conversion takes place, is God's punishment be terrible and it will be not be long in coming"

The Lord does not tolerate foreign gods beside him. ER also tolerate disobedience to His holy Ten Commandments and not against the Holy Gospel!

God alone is the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth!

Humanity can still so believe, it can ensure their own knowledge the plan of creation God fathom!

This will be with human wisdom never possible, because God's plan remains a mystery!

Pray, atone and sacrifice also, especially now in this Holy Sacrifice, to be converted, are many, very many bishops and priests who are in charge of leading the herd and not be tempted!


Oh mother, why they do not listen to you? You know what happened before, when we rebelled against God. Always followed the just punishment GOD. But the Lord is merciful to those who repent.

Oh Mother, please do not rely, for only with your help we can exist, so as You've always said, you shake hands and you will hold us through all the horror that is happening now then. Oh Mother, oh Mother, please, stay with us. Oh, my God, have mercy.

Padre Pio:

Oh, brother priests: Stop the MOTHER! Yes, listen to them, otherwise it will endure you terribly in the courts of God! "

Now the very serious atonement suffering begins to mass.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Milena Velba Breast Archiv

Botschaft 28.10.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Thursday 28 October 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

My heart is full of tears and grief over your land and people, especially because some of the bishops and priests!

terrible happened! It was difficult sinned against the holy Ten Commandments, especially against the sixth commandment!

you all know what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah! The righteous anger of God destroyed them both!

My beloved children:

What will happen to your country, your people, the public is committing such sins and seduce especially young people to sin?

If the bishops remain silent and not make it public now stand out, they also sided with Satan, so, as did those priests and hirelings!

It is the responsibility and duty of the bishops and priests, condemning all to the public!

Otherwise, they make themselves complicit in all that is now being applied by the Lord because of these machinations is terrible!

My beloved children: Repent, atone and sacrifice, so still plenty to be stopped!

terrible it is! Only so much can be invented! But to no avail! No one can escape the Judgement of God!

it is terrible, especially also because your land was protected only as good by GOD!

your country always comes first when it comes to God and His holy Ten Commandments! serve

GOD do not say,: Serving Satan want!

Woe unto you, ye sons of priests! God will see you all and bring them to justice and the court will be terrible!

Therefore, my beloved children: Repent, repent, and so calls to those bishops and priests who are silent on what is happening now! They should stand out, as it then did the apostles. These had this much cross and suffering shoulder it. But they did it with great love and faithfulness to God!

The Lord has not said to Mary Magdalene: "Go and sin more," but he told her: "Go and sin no more!"

And today the opposite happens. It says: "Go and sin against God, His teachings and His holy Ten Commandments"

My Children:


have tears my heart, because as I, your mother said, 'I can not come soon! Repent and hands me your hand so that I can lead you through the valley of tears, which will now come then!

And you, my beloved and faithful sons of priests and faithful bishops

Repent of your flocks! Go and help them and forgive them in the holy sacrament of confession. Denied them the gift of the Holy Sacrament of Repentance not, if they confess their sins and sincerely repent! Be ready, for you have received the power and strength from the Lord to heal and even resurrect from death.

Soon many people will cry because of their terrible sins according to the holy sacrament of Repentance! Then, O ye sons of priests, help these souls, if they truly repent, repent, repent!

My beloved children:

Be ready at any time, for the Lord will come like a thief in the night!

always ignites the light in your souls, so that God sees you and I can lead you on my hand through this vale of tears.

Pray, atone and sacrifice!


"No, oh mother ... Our country, our land ... and always be silent about the terrible. Oh Mother, did you get and wanted, that everything is good again. But your help is not accepted and they want to admit it because they would have to change much else. Oh mother, which is terrible but happen that priests do hirelings and such! Oh, my God, have mercy, have mercy!

Padre Pio, Brother Klaus, Sister Faustina: too are full of sorrow ... "

Now begins the very severe punishment for the suffering mass.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Public Removing Cloths

Botschaft 19.10.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 19. October 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

My heart is full of sorrow, because I already get so many years to help most especially my beloved sons, priests in this terrible time. But just listen to my words and many push back my help. They do not want to admit that I want to help them.

My beloved children: How many times have I asked and even censured. In many but it's free! You want it who just do not because they would otherwise change their lives!

My Children: Be watchful, as I you've been saying for many years.

The "evil" goes around like a roaring lion and tries to destroy everything!

How many times I said that mankind and all nations will rise up, when to reverse the bishops and priests and their flocks and do not repent!

Only buses, coaches and repentance can save even more!

Many of my sons priests preach and teach no longer the holy Ten Commandments! Yes, the holy Ten Commandments, which could restore order, if not so many wars would take place.

your priest sons, why does its not on me, go your own way, often proclaimed your own gospel, and suppresses the holy Ten Commandments? Oh, what do you do that? Already

earlier and already in the Old Testament God was pushed back and the "golden calf" and the "Tower of Babel" was built!

And what happens now? It happens the same thing!

are "golden calf" and built "towers" built!

Oh, wretched man! What do you do against God? It pushes him back and no one wants to listen to him! His scripture you reject and announced only that, what do you think you are doing well.

Oh you miserable, so unhappy mankind to return and repent!

your priest sons

Go to your herds and feeds them - yes lead, not seduce!

wolves can break it and you stand there and watch how Christians are persecuted by heretics and killed. You are silent and still makes common cause with those who harm you, persecute you and kill you!

you definitely need not move out, as did the Apostles and the people proclaim the Holy Gospel ?

Instead, it is silent and only ever calls you on the " religious freedom"!

What is religion? Is it the belief in God or is it the delusion?

Go and preach the Holy Gospel as it has given you the Lord!

The Lord called Peter, and promised him the Holy Spirit and it's happening today in each of his successor!

And I ask you, ye sons of priests, "Be one with the Successor of Peter! Only then the unit can be restored!

now scattered it yourselves or you are a flock, as it wants it? Oh, no! You are divided among themselves and so can not a herd be! Go out, go to your sheep and leads them, is with them and nurture it!

Has not the Lord given you the holy sacrament of Holy Orders and thus connected, in His power to heal and even resurrect from the dead?

the holy sacrament of confession and buses have repelled her. You are no longer prepared to turn your power and strength to the poor people!

My Children: thinks back to all my words, I already give you many years. I have also told you what will happen if my requests are not met!

I have not announced many years ago, that whole nations will rise up? This is now done today and what you do about it? You are silent!

Pray, pray, pray and repent, as it always had to happen if people did wrong to God!

The Lord is pushed back and people go their own ways - ways that lead to destruction and carried away many innocent souls!

My beloved children: terrible happened and is happening. God sent prophets to always help and I, your mother was allowed to come to help!

The sinful behavior has never been so big and so terrible in this day and age!

the image of God is murdered in the womb. The old, sick and innocent people are killed. All this has brought the wrath-cup of God the Father to overflowing!

My Children: Repent and return to and also announces her GOSPEL OF GOD, if you can. Yes, repent and go to the bishops and priests, asking them that they finally, finally acknowledge my words and fulfill my request!

Only then can the world be saved and much, so much of humanity could be spared! Again, I exhort you to repentance and remorse at all sinful, what is happening and has happened!

Soon comes the time when I may no longer come!

Pray my children! I ask you from my heart, repent and repent!

Myrtha: " h O Mother, what have we done! Terrible as we have offended God. We also give way back cowardly and silent when we should talk. Oh mother, do not forsake us. You promised us that if ever we'll hold out your hand, hold us and carry out this darkness will. Mother, you said that only a few will remain. But the new seeds will rise. Just as it has promised the Lord. Small, so small they will rise and we will help with our tears, that the new seed can grow and thrive. You keep ready for many priests loyal sons. But many bishops do not allow it to perform the service in the sanctuary of God. Oh mother, let the sheep do not starve and beg your divine SON, to put an end to the terrible. And you, oh Mother, please, crushes the serpent's head!

Padre Pio: also ask you turn your brother priests: Does your job the way you have promised him to the Lord and listen to the mother because she wants to help you, yes! Their help has not returned because of any soul that is lost through your fault, you'll have to God once held to account. "

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Opening Vip Suitcase Number Lock

Botschaft 12.10.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 12 October 2010 + + + AM / ass

MOTHER Oh, now want Us say a few words.

My beloved children:

Let me pray for you today with the bishops and priests, that they are one with the Successor of Peter, for the persecuted Christians stand up and publicly acknowledge what is happening in the world.

It is a terrible sin, to kill the image of God in the womb! That will never forgive God! And who is silent to leave the set, because that soul is not the most significant!

My beloved children:

I consider ready for many priests loyal sons!

But there are bishops and priests to prevent the children of these priests to fulfill its mission. Oh, you faithless steward, you see only your own can, I 'and let it not true that doing faithful servants of the LORD their service in the sanctuary of God to lead their flocks and work with them fine. Many of you stop this priest sons in it. But it opens the sanctuary of God for worldly practices and tear down, set up what faithful Christians to the glory of God. Destroying the houses of God and those who still remain, you let stand empty!

finally goes out into the world and proclaim in a loud voice, like the misconception all will cover and how Christians are persecuted and killed! Where are you and you your voices raised in favor of these people? Your silence hides you and in your homes. And where there are still priests, would have overtaken her hirelings there!

The priest sons have the task of dealing with the herds buses!

Only buses can save the world yet!

your bishops and priests, who prevent the faithful servants, you will say to the Lord once, "Go away, her unfaithful steward, because you have prevented the faithful servant, to fulfill God's request and with the innocent little flock buses to do. You are a coward!

Where's your voice in public, proclaiming the Gospel as it has given the Lord and where you should stand up for Christian truth? do

No, instead, looks at her, like the heretics, the whole world move!

Where are you who take the 'Christian', that DIVINE 'einsteht and everything, even the cross on you?

Peter had once denied the Lord.

But what happens today, the denial of Christ in this time and His holy Ten Commandments for fear not more proclaim, but to hide that weighs much heavier!

your unfaithful servants, God will one day ask you to give!

My beloved children:

now and together we pray especially this month to God to give over everything that happens again can exercise mercy!

One thing I must tell you, but again:

As long as the unborn, the image of God will continue to murder, so long will be no peace in this world and the hardships will be even bigger!

As I have said, can only save repentance yet!

My Children:

My heart is full of sorrow! Like a good mother does, so I could come again and again to help you, ask and even to blame, but the ears were deaf and hardened the hearts!

Repent and pray with me that those who bear responsibility finally emerge and fulfill their task as they have been received from the Lord!

Be loyal, steadfast and brave, because the cross will be heavy, but never harder than you can bear it.

God requires FIDELITY, LOYALTY, LOYALTY so in the belief that no one does like Peter. But Peter saw it and regretted bitterly. And this God calls to this day of His servants who deny it!

prayer, atonement and suffering!

My beloved children:

we now pray together for these priests and bishops, so they come to their senses and stand together with the Successor of Peter for Christianity, for each individual, to deny themselves and others for there are.

I will now ask together with you from God.

Myrtha: "Oh mother crushes, but you finally head of this snake, or we perish all. The popular myth is so big and powerful and so many want to admit it and not be silent about it. Oh mother vibrator, on all of us, so we are silent no more, but everything that offends God, call it by name.

Padre Pio: You ask your brothers in the priesthood: Stop the words of the NUT and do not be blind, but see! Trust the Successor of Peter, for what he does is done in the Holy Spirit. And who is against the successor of Peter rebels, the rebels against the Holy Spirit. Be one, for only in unity can you manage and lead and for God to be there. Meets the request of the mother. "

Monday, October 18, 2010

Milena Velba Bra Images

Neckar tunnel failure - loss of OB

Finally, we must admit now Lord Mayor of Heidelberg Würzner that his madness propagated for two years plans are a world away from the Neckar River tunnel. Where are we to find the money? In 2009 Würzner said on this issue - standing on stage at the festival, convened by him on the Neckar - "... the money we can in the budget for other items einsapren!"
But this statement would have affected three looking to make Heidelberger angry. See Stuttgart 21 But apparently even then all the audience knew that this project had no chance. If only because it was priceless, is and will remain. compete
That Würzner now the withdrawal must be a new personal defeat for him. For too long, he had advocated at the top of an ever-shrinking group of dancers dream in the Council this project as a flag carrier. After the town hall extension now the second failure, at the expense of the citizens and taxpayers, will see the wasted resources in high millions. This money we could have really used it in Heidelberg better!
And that dares Würzner now, in his propaganda leaflets (Miteilungspostille the city, CoR) to call for more public participation, is pure mockery. It is this man, who along with his Baubürgermeister Heidelberg derided as a kind of voters as stupid and not mature either, because they were supposed to be his "great urban vision" is not understood.
Let's see what's next project - and fails. Maybe a rise in ticket prices for the cable car up to 99 €, combined at this price but with a free ride in the new Straßenbahnlienie on the Neckar River (on indefinitely-day) and a tour of the Stadtverschandlung on the grounds of the former Palace Hotel. We are curious on your comments!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Back Jst Before Waist Is Paining

Butsch go America * ENGLISH *

Pictures in the entry before!

...let's catch up (hopefully)

The day of Butsch's arrival itself is worth a whole story, but to make it short: Pia is already at the Sunlotus and Alex misses the bus, no Internet, no Phone, Pia driving there, driving back, driving there again because we just miss each other (1h each way)...lots of beer inside of Alex und finally: romantic and pouring rain without wipers, it's 2am in the morning, a mountain road and fog. After 48h without sleep for Alex and over 40 Butsch-less nights for both of us, the bed seems to be the softest and most comfortable one in the world.

People, work and freetime at the sunlotus were - especially for Alex - a huge but welcomed contrast to the Viennese every-day-life (Pia got used to those strange North Americans)

Patrick worked at the sunlotus just as we did - the next Canadian you cannot not be friends with! 21 too and a very funny guy we built stuff with and had nice conversations about almost everything...

Anita, one of the owners, cooks. Oh, and how she cooks! We had fish 90% of the time, delicous fish, stuffed fish, fish for breakfast, smoked fish, grilled fish, salty, sweet, awesome. Each meal a party in our mouths, with us as the VIP guests.

Might as well have something to do with the fact that our workd mainly consisted of building a smoke shack (as Canadian as our new lumberjack-flannel shirts!), which had to be tested a lot. njam.

Paul, the other owner, told us what to do. Kind of. Nice and weird, as the Canadians are, yes, he told us a lot, but we figured out what to do ourselves :)

Ginger, the daughter, hates Pia after 30 minutes. I am sorry, but on the other hand, it is not my fault that donkey bit you, you know you have to make your hand flat and they don't like Cheese-sticks. You hate me and your Mom will kill the donkeys, you say. The next day we play Dollies and you smile, Alex comes and you're laughing and jumping.

After four days (for Alex, ten for Pia): Party and Bye... on the road again

First stop: Victoria. We both know it yet, what makes wandering through the streets together it even more beautiful... the first days of our "almost-only-good-weather" period!
After a night in Victoria, we are making our way to the mainland again to stay in Vancouver for the next two nights (by the way, the most livable city in the world followed by... VIENNA!) at a B&B: As if we would do house-sitting for the "Seventh Heaven" family while they're on vacation. We were almost the only ones in one of two guesthouses (the other one was filled with elderly people). And it was clean!

What generally happened in Vancouver: Pia wants to learn Flamenco now.

Goodbye, Canada! Howdy USA! No bible in the room.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mushroom Cause Dark Stools

Botschaft 5.10.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 5 October 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

Today I ask you to pray especially for those souls who live in great guilt and sin. It is these souls, the innocent, unborn life that destroy the image of God. This takes two people. A woman and a man who is Child is conceived. Woe to those souls! They are of death!

And this, my beloved children, are also many priests and bishops guilty to announce because they teach the Ten Commandments holy no more and no longer the whole scripture.

They always say: "I think I prefer the good news." But the good news lived? About the fact that everything is shunned a teaching of the Lord in the holy Ten Commandments? Woe to those bishops and priests who embezzled it! They also bear responsibility for lost souls!

Where are those who, like the apostles boldly proclaim the Holy Gospel and do so in public?

you Take the example of the many heretics who defend their words and writings to the death and teach their children that keep what they feel is right!

And what do you do, oh you bishops and priests?

leave a lot of you these innocent souls of those people who know the faith no longer even!

It is your duty and responsibility to ensure that already meets the little innocent, the whole truth and everything he is proclaimed, not only that; what you think yourself well!

My beloved children:

mother ask you: Can be baked in salt water and a loaf of bread? No! The wheat grain is first lowered into the ground to mature so that it may bear fruit and become flour.

And just as it is with faith. The whole truth must be proclaimed! Only then can the good news to bear fruit.

It is awful when bishops and priests refrain from what could save the sick and doomed souls yet!

Where are those priests sons even the sacrament of Holy Confession donation and are ready to heal and resurrect from death?

My beloved children:

Many keep saying: "threatening message" But the Lord has given no threatening message!

can only come forth fruit, when the entire sacred Scriptures and the holy Ten Commandments are announced and pointed out is to download what a terrible debt to those souls who destroy the image of God in the womb!

know not the heretics, the word: "Increase and multiply," You mother ask: And what do they call themselves Christians?

destroying the life rather than pass it, as the Lord will!

My beloved children:

Be watchful! The Zornesbecher of God is at the overflow!

If no conversion takes place, the Lord will destroy everything that stands against him! Because he wants a real and true shepherds herd!

That, my children could accomplish so many bishops and priests, 'if they would have the courage of the apostles and fulfill their mission as they have received him from the Lord! You would have to stand out without fear of man and also demonstrates a commitment to the public for eternal truth and not be silent about it, what to say!

Pray for the many mothers and fathers who tell of life, no, the image of God to kill and thus devote themselves to death! And I, your mother, tell you: In those innocent, unborn souls are many, many priests sons! So good is it whining nothing and complain: "We have too few priests." Yes, they destroyed their own!

Pray also for yourselves, so that all back courageously for God, His Scripture and His holy Ten Commandments occur. If a man and speak without fear, where it is possible for you.

prayer, atonement and suffering, for soon will come the terrible, and I could always come to ask you and warn!

A good, loving mother, the children often warn and blame if they do not even notice it!

Pray, atone and sacrifice to God not His punishing hand raised! Repent and ask God for forgiveness, not the breaks!

Each soul can help to ensure that God's punishment is reduced!

Pray atones, and suffering! This is my sad plea to you!

Myrtha: "Oh mother, why are we so cowardly and have no courage to come forward and talk, where it would be necessary? Also we have so much fear of man. We should always recall the bishops and priests to help them meet their service as it was given to them by the Lord. Also we must not rely only on the good news. Because like you, MOTHER say, good news can only bear fruit if we respect and live, what are warning us of the Lord. Oh God, what have we done ...?

Padre Pio, Brother Klaus, Sister Faustina: Oh, nothing. "

Now the very serious atonement suffering begins to mass.

Friday, October 8, 2010

How To Build Portable Boat Trailers

Butsch go America, California, 10/08/2010

Well then we get after all this time, hopefully. The day of
Butschankuft's been a story worth, but we put it short: Pia sunlotus already in the bus and then miss Alex, no internet, no phones go, zureuckfahren, go back, many beers in Alex and then finally: Yes romantic, pouring rain - without wipers and two clock in the morning, the mountain road and fog, and then for Alex after 48 sleepless hours and for both of us for over 40 Butsch free nights at the end of the bed.

people, work and leisure in the sunlotus were particularly strong for Alex, but just therefore welcome contrast to the Vienna daily (yes, the North American Pia Weirdos is already used). Patrick has
as we toiled for daily bread and good bed six to eight hours - the next Canadian who leaves one no choice than to feel as if you were friends with each other for ages.
Anita (Owner 1) cooks. And how! We have indeed nourished to roughly 90% of fish, delicious fish, fish-filled, fish for breakfast, smoked fish, grilled fish awesome, sweet, salty,. Each meal is a party and we taste buds in the VIP Lounge!
Hing but also to the fact that much of our work consisted in a smoking chamber building (such as our new Canadian lumberjack flannel shirts!) - And must be tested extensively, too, njam.
Paul (owner 2) was the work of Canadian authorities and Weirdo the particular variety. And
had much to tell. About Woodwork and smoked fish genuaso as on more specific, and very Canadian things we prefer here should not be described in detail. Hawking. Apart
which he had never been really a plan which "work" and how we now should do WHAT IS OF at all (unless it was our own idea). And if they do, then get on it to end up with great probability that we just had made a huge detour. But that ends well, fish well.
Ginger, the daughter, four runs and crying about 30 minutes Pia to Mama.
own fault. You know, that using the donkey feed the hand should make flat because I can not help it when they bite you. And they may not cheese sticks. Yeah, you hate the donkey and me and tomorrow is going to kill your mommy donkey mhm. But the next day I will play with you again dollies. And then there was Alex, and you laugh and jump and dare for the first time by the Big-Burger-King-slide.
After four days and a boisterous celebration on the last evening, the farewell.
Although somewhat heavy heart, but at the same time with great anticipation finally (again) on the road .. to be!

First stop: Victoria. We both know already, but all the nice together now by pretty streets to walk - and now almost constantly nice weather for the ultimate good mood!
again after a night, we go back mainland, Vancouver for the next two nights (followed by Vienna, the most livable city in the world) in the B & B: When we were all the house of the heavenly family during their holiday huete. A contrast to the existing hostels, for we were almost alone in one of two guest houses (the other old people almost spilled out of the windows) and clean and wars that have been in the hostel's not so often.

On the first evening a quick Begruessungsbier naechstbesten in the bar, and is doing quite innocent. But then: Five people enter the stage. A man with a guitar, one of the only claps, a woman sings and the center two flamenco dancers. And within seconds, the mood turns to the beat of sonntaeglich to saturday night, the pounding of paragraphs, firm steps to shake the wax. And
to Pia's independence non-plastic-wooden huts self-catering plan (which now includes a smokehouse) is joined by the great demand, but to learn flamenco.

Next day: cucumber around happily in the city, "world famous" fish & chips on Granville Iceland, an evening stroll and go to bed earlier to get fit for cross-border be ...

Goodbye, Canada! Howdy USA! Since no bible in the room.

(to be continued)