Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fujifilm Camera Always Says Flat Battery



have anything for some time now. Was simply not the time or had simply forgotten it. :-(

am still 100% raw, so no cooking food exceptions. For the simple reason that I am up to now with my diet very well. 2 x I had a tinge of longing for pasta with tomato sauce, because I have a powerful hungry had. I then ate my germinated cereals and forget was the desire for spaghetti.

:-) I, and I think other people want to make the raw food need not be fooled. Such desires can come again and again, especially if you have a strong feeling of hunger and not matter what fine Crude available added. This is normal! Decades of one ate differently from an early age it was the other "stuff" used to! If one has really hungry and may see even the other food, it smells, it's quite clear that as memories come up to the taste! It's just the taste, you feel then never as good as with raw food (so it is with me, anyway).
I can imagine that in people who eat 100% raw for several years, the desire for home, where you will not face cooking food, almost no longer exist. However, in the restaurant or the like, where it looks and smells, then these people are very likely to desire. It is normal and remains normal when it was coined in childhood. Whoever claims the opposite, hiding it (at least in almost all cases, there may be exceptions). My personal opinion.

Now back to me.

Very reliable now is that at the beginning it really was kidney pain. The strong detoxification was just violent, but it was not soooo long.

eat the moment I as follows:

morning 8:00 to 9:00: were nut-fruit, the last days of the date-Sesame, banana-sesame, dates, hazelnuts, hemp seeds - Banana
: Barley grass juice or Kammutgrassaft

between 9.30 and 11.00
all chewed up liquefied.

hemp seed banana (today) I was not that great, everything else great!

13:00 to 15:00: fruit or vegetables (rarely)
I found out that one should really be careful because (I, anyway). We have harvested plums, I ate quite a large amount, then got flatulence. So this may be too much to disrupt the intestinal fructose sensitive. You should hold back because really, but if it tastes so good .......... (And which are fantastic).

between 17.30 and 19.00: Dried, germinated corn with olive oil or olive

Yes, most recently, I eat the wheat with olives (without salt, not heated). The hammer! For me a treat, every time a heavenly stage.

I do not want to mention that you nuts, and sprouted grains, according to H. Müller-Burzler should not eat the same day as this can lead to intestinal disorders. However, I bemkerke yet nothing negative and feel so very easy. This may possibly have to do with the fact that I have an incredibly fast metabolism, and thus my digestion is a faster way of Amsterdam and the nuts and cereals do not meet in the large intestine. Only as a consideration.
I'll see how it will run on.

That was my interim report. Right now I am myself fascinated by how easily I play the raw food can do, but above all that I so so well. :-)
Hopefully the last for long on .............


Monday, September 15, 2008

Can Dogs Pads Get Frost Bite

After 3 weeks .... Follow-up report

.... I can say that I initially detoxified strong (limp, kidney pain, etc.), it became increasingly better.
3.5 days I made the pure 3.Trennkoststufe, nut crop (barley grass juice in the morning, noon, plum, almond, plum and almond in the evening).
three days I felt so good.
On 4 Day came the "break". The highest level of the 3rd Food Combining stage I can not make, at least not for a long time. I'm sure that took place no protein synthesis, also got my body enough energy, then I smelled Uhu (ketosis). However, the 3 days were a great experience for me. I realized that I had to be a different energy level, however, the environment and everyday life also this energy level, otherwise you can not do it anymore.
I am now very clear that a pure 3.Trennkostufe even at my everyday life is not feasible. Whether they can function at all? I do not know.
The food itself feels fantastic.
On 4 Day I had incredible mood for a big mixed salad with dandelion. It tasted wonderful (it was Saturday).

It is surprising how easy it is to me right now, to eat only raw food. I'm really surprised. And that is precisely because, as I am pretty satisfied with my current raw food and am satisfied. My thoughts now: A vegan raw food funkioniert permanently with nuts and germinated, dried cereals. This should be part of, actually form the major part, my current opinion. Wild herbs I still regard as very valuable and important. It will be exciting. :-)

Today I ate:

9:30 clock: Barley grass juice

11:15 clock: plum-almond (. Only a maximum of 50g almonds locked, very fast)

15:00 clock: plum

18: 00 clock: sprouted grain (dried) with olive oil (Finca la torre)

23:00 clock: 5 dates, a few plum (actually wanted to be in bed by 20 clock :-()

Actually you should not eat nuts and sprouted grains on the same day, but I evening had a great mind to it. Until now I do not feel anything negative, let's see.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Cmmiprocess Audit What To Check And How?

So now were free from Friday to Wednesday to my parents Besusch.
So a good opportunity to know if I have the desire / addiction under control .

:-) To make it short: It worked well! Of course, my daily routine a bit confused, that went to bed late, because hunger was in the evening. I ate only raw food, But the evening has some dried fruit, as indeed in larger amounts, is not ideal, especially if they are not soaked. Speaking of dry fruits. For dried fruits usually only ripe fruits are used, in principle, therefore, ideal. Negative, they are concentrated by drying. By soaking, this disadvantage is removed and then are not more harmful to the teeth. Dates can soak unfortunately bad. The soaking water can you drink of course, that tastes most excellent. So you have
rankommen in the dried fruit fully ripe fruits available, although not soaked in fresh, ripe fruit, but are a good alternative ate course, only in "normal" amounts.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I ate two times a day the following: plums with almonds, chewed until it liquefies was so 3.Trennkoststufe.
noticed today my friend a owl smell on me, a sign that the body now goes to the substance (ketone). I will therefore re eat something else.

The feeling during and after such a meal is still fascinating! I love it!


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Phlegm And Multiple Myeloma

short and poorly slept

clock at 5:45 I had to get up again, I slept too short and bad.

8:00 clock: Sole
10:00 clock: Barley grass juice
12 clock: Plum-sesame

Here you can see that with raw food, the body simply has a normal requirement. ate about 21 clock hours or the dried mangoes and figs ball, so today really hungry by 12 clock. When cooking food which is often quite different. Since you have mostly always the same morning, a "hole in the belly". But even with raw foods, where a lot of mixed and seasoned, which can get confused.

18:00 clock: plum-sesame am now well fed and happy. :-)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fancy Dress Milk Carton

I slept very well, no kidney pain (if it were for kidney pain).
me feel good too.

8 clock: brine (salt, diamond)
9:30 clock: barley grass juice
10:15 clock: date-Sesame
clock 13:30. Watermelon, muskmelon
19:00 clock: tomatoes, 1 / 2 turnip, dried tomatoes

Unfortunately, I made it then do not go to bed, so came the great famine. :-(
100g Mango Amelie, a couple of ball dried figs
first clock to bed at 0:30

Monday, September 1, 2008

Kates Playground Weight Gain

instinct or intuition?

This morning I stood before a small problem: What do I need today

really grain with olive oil or walnut-fruit? The days before I knew it very fast, but today I was not sure. So I smelled the grain, then the sesame seeds. Hm, both quite as good for me. Where you have to say that nuts do not smell generally intense.

The solution:
I asked myself before the taste for both, closed his eyes. Very quickly I realized that my body now wants sesame with dates. :-)

Burger has found out for sure many good things and in some ways it is the instinct, without ifs and buts. However, just must smell this, not always with his nose, that is to follow. The intuitions can be very well controlled, what the body needs now (of course only natural foods).
have not also have to a very large selection available to find the right food. It is clear that for calcium deficiency, it is of course an advantage if you just have juice sesame seeds, but the body gets out the calcium from other foods. And if there is not as rich calcium present, he needs them more dependent. It is a fallacy to think that the body desperately needs now an apple or a mango.
Nature (God) is basically perfect, therefore, certain berries grow in certain months. And just this time we should be eating these berries too. Apples are then in September (some even August) mature and then stop to catch the apple
time. can It's great that you store a lot of apples a few months, this is only found in berries by freezing, then what is no longer quite iedeal (but as a compromise in any order).
nuts are always well preserved, as well as cereals. So for us here in Germany an ideal food, especially for the winter.
What I want to say is: You do not need every week, tropical fruit, but it is also easier with limited financial resources. Of course there are advantages to have a wider choice, it need not be discussed, but it's just with a limited selection, I'm sure. 3-5 types of fruits, 3-5 vegetables, 1-3 and 2-4 grains nut varieties should be fine.

morning (about 9 clock): date-Sesame
lunch: dried plums, then goji berries
afternoon (about 16 clock): Watermelon, muskmelon

detoxification was very violent. I was dizzy and sick in the afternoon at the hardware store. Later it went again. I had the night before already "back pain". Now I think that it was the kidneys.

21 clock: bedtime

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fluid Seeping From Rash

Weiter gehts :-)

addendum of the last two days:

Friday, 8/29/2008: Date-sesame seeds, currants, plums, yellow plums, sesame seeds, figs ball

Saturday, 8/30/2008: Cereal olive oil, watermelon, corn oil

I feel today the detoxification relatively strong, but no headaches, just a bit tired. We previously walk of 4 hours, went well and was wonderful!

afternoon barley grass juice (made from barley grass juice powder (raw food quality))

evening then germinated (dried) corn with olive oil.

20:30 clock: bedtime

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Russian To Emglish Patch For Morrowind

nut fruit

Today nut fruit

Ca. Clock 11: Dates-hazelnuts

afternoon watermelon, and later corn, tomatoes

then again, unfortunately worked hard (to 19.30 clock), so eating late again: dates, hazelnuts. Now unnecessarily a few dried mangoes.
It's always the same. If I work long, then eat, I am psyched and can not be equal to bed, although I'm really tired. * Shrug *
But the work to be done, would not hesitate now that out, otherwise bad weather again.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How Long Recover Pleurisy


Today I felt like the cereal. Detoxification today was not to feel fast.
Yesterday I was still a longer period, so ate a few dates and dried mangoes.
Today again so late. Right now I'll get it back do not get to bed early. Worked today to 19:45 clock, then of course very hungry, and already it is getting late. However, I must now enjoy the good weather and revise the window (must be removed).

Nutrition Today:

10:00 clock: 11:30 Gerstengrassasft
Clock: sprouted grain (dried) and olive oil (not sorted)
15:00 clock: watermelon, cantaloupe, 4 strawberries (even from your own garden)
19:45 clock: sprouted grain (dried) and olive oil (not sorted)

No cravings.
evening I had a real craving for sprouted grain. It tasted heavenly.
I think those are for the body the best meals, if you really keen, and it tastes super good (for raw food).

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Monopoly Spongebob Secret Character

A detoxification crisis is very limited ....

.... but yesterday I ate more vegetables and no fruit-nut combination have. However, I have

slept 10 hours. * * Staun

10:30 clock: Plums (from our own garden) + hazel nuts (organic, raw quality of Bioinsel)
interesting: Lock began very early. I believe that I have not eaten 60 g hazelnuts. I think you need much more attention to the Essmengen individual meals. Not for nothing is in there in the Essene Gospel of Peace. One should not really "papp-fed" his.

So, from 14:00 clock came but mighty through detoxification. Headaches and tired, even now (20:30 clock). Walnut fruit has just pure. :-)

We were at walking, eating there I have a few blackberries and raspberries.

then hazelnuts with plums. Today I ate a total of 200g hazelnuts.
At 19 clock there was a banana.

Now I go to bed. My head is throbbing.
Let's see how I feel tomorrow? Normally one should indulge in such a situation, a lot of rest, but I can not unfortunately because of work. Feel like cooking food I had no.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Can Anyone Tell Me Some Hussyfan

we go!

Yesterday was my last "Überesstag" with noodles. I have intentionally yesterday reingeschauffelt again really.
So, and not the most elusive: I feel not so bad!


My body is now in the state of tolerance. He tolerated this bad food and the quantity. To the barrel containing overflow would.

From today I will try many things. I am 37 years and would not make raw food for weeks, then a few days, with complex carbohydrates cooked to eat. There is, I was not normal saturation. I'm tired, when the stomach is full, this can take time.
In raw (if not too much mixed and spiced), I have a wonderful saturation. For example, fruit-nut keeps this long.


I expect that the first few days "after" are hard, very hard. I know the drill. I am a detoxification crisis get a headache, weakness and lethargy. It will set a strong desire, appetite for noodles and company.

food today:

10 clock: Barley grass juice

11 clock: Mirabelle

13:30: olive

14:45: tomato, dandelion, half cabbage, celery (all from the garden), I ate olives
everything separately, one after the other. A new Essgefühl for me (in vegetables). The hat was. :-)

Ca. 19 clock: Dried mangoes and dates

today I was pretty tired and the food has satisfied me.
I had no cravings! For me again one more proof that this is all a matter of mind is (at least for the most part, of course, that no defect). Last night I realized that I from now regards the matter. The will was / is very large, so I had no problem with it.

20:30 clock to bed