Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dentists Using Alloderm In The Uk

Botschaft 21.9.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 21 September 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

Also today I call you once again to repentance, sacrifice, prayer and reconciliation!

So many of you live in abundance and nobody can say he did not know that die every day as many children from the effects of hunger!

Give these Arms of your abundance!

Anyone who has enough to eat, so eat in abundance was suppose at one of these children so that each day gets his piece of bread, his bowl of rice and its drinking-water clear!

Tells them and sell not only the crumbs that fall from the table, but shares because you have enough to eat even more.

Sit down and for the image of God, because in this little innocent creature itself also reflects the image of God. Make sacrifices!

Was it and it's not as if she does every year the day on which the divine Son is born, and yes, you revel not there any Time in abundance and then each is not only the best of the best good enough?

Do you think too often the poor and the hungry? Did not the shepherds, who themselves had nothing to the divine child and brought him gifts, which they had saved from her mouth?

has not said the Lord: I was hungry, I was thirsty? Met her this request? Oh, no!

dignity of every person who has enough to eat, that share that must die from hunger, so everyone would have enough to live!

Oh, no, the man goes so far and will the poor, even the fields and fields planted this way and to put the food / crop for their luxury! Is not that terrible?

If the Lord does not punish such, see if He has, as his likeness is dying of hunger?

My beloved children:

I know there are harsh words, but satisfy the truth! Therefore exhort and I ask you to consider my words and act on them!

only victims, coaches, prayer and punishment are acceptable to the Lord.

Therefore, my beloved children, I will let you also later on, different way of thinking ', which you then should also take to heart!

My beloved children:

For today I ask you:

Each of you take on a poor child and you still have enough to live! only then that the prayers are effective!

Pray, sacrifice to atone and repent, because the world is on the brink!

Many have already died because they obeyed the words of the Lord and not only have served himself and the luxury!

Pray, sacrifice to atone and repent!

These are my words to you today and to all Christians of good will!


"Oh mother, we are selfish and only look to ourselves, although we would have enough by half. Oh mother, we often take your words seriously and not just go over them. Oh God, have mercy and help us that we are always ready to care for our neighbor, who is so helpless!

Padre Pio:

Again, you ask your brothers in the priesthood: "Proclaim to the world the words of the NUT and converts them into action. Only then can you find the treasures of the sky again. Go, calls, repent and make sacrifices with your sheep! Just as the Lord wants it and it is pleasing to Him. He takes the sacrifices of His glory and the salvation of all mankind. "

Now begins the very severe suffering atonement for the holy mass.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Send Message When My Baby Is Born

Off to Vancouver Iceland ... not. Vancouver Iceland, 22.09.2010

Dan, Pia and problem child-Van

carrepairguy, Pia, cheesecake

OK, lets try this in English. Here's what happened: After the accident and findig out some other things about having a car I didn't like (yes, theres even more!), I tried to continue with my orginal plans and make it on the ferry to Vancouver Island. You wish, said the car, and stopped working. Right on the ferry lane. I had been driving for about an hour, I didn't even get lost, when suddenly the "service engine soon" light lit up. Hm. Then the battery light lit up. Then the speedo stopped working. When I came to the ticketofficehouse whatever its called, the window wouldn't go down. I'm sorry, my car is just breaking down, one ticket to Nanaimo and yes, it's just me. Why did I even do that?! 59 Dollars something, Lane 28 - oh no, thats 26, trying to go backwards. Haha. Not.
Calling the service line, do you need a jump start? First try, working for approximatley 10 Minutes. Second try, not working. Third try, I can make it to the end of the - just - very empty ferry lane number 28. Did I mention crying before?

Anyways. Thankfully Dan, nicest car mechanic ever, wrote his home number on the bill, so the first and only person I can think of is called. I'll come and pick you up in half an hour, he says. Arriving in a very different car than the last few times - yes, we have a bunch of them -Dan changes the battery, because it's wheter the battery or the altinator, whatever that means in German (Lichtmaschine) - the thing that charges the battery.

The car starts and I feel (kind of) relieved - we'll bring it back to the place I work and fix it tomorrow, just follow me, OK? Passing several yellow lights because of not wanting to hit the brakes - brake fluid leaking - we finally make it there. Have you heard of the Bodies exhibition? Let's go downtown! Exhibition awesome and I could at least invite him to it.

So where are you staying tonight? I don't know yet.
A couple of hours later, I am in the first private bedroom for me in weeks, finding soap and towels on the sheets. I can't believe it. First, I am making that guy work on a Sunday and now I can stay in his house. Watching a movie, going to bed, talking to a supernice family, eating cereals, watching How I met your mother and the being picked up for a fixed Van. Jap.
And even there: Do you want some cheesecake, my Mom's from Croatia and she made it, so where are you from, have some of the apple pie too, how old are you...

All this is just so awesome - despite the fact a car accident made it happen.

I am sad I didn't take pictures of all these people, since I am pretty sure that's... Canadian (not only for the 5-car-4-people household of Dan's family hehe).
But at least I got Dan and the carrepairguyidontknowhisname on a photo!

At the end of the day: Once more I realised thats it's the people who are crucial, who make the experience, the mood, and everything . What would have happened if that towtruck driver (supernice guy, too), who brought me to Able Auto Body, had taken me somewhere else? I don't even want to think about it.

So I am still sure this accident had something good - and if it's "just" the very last drop of glue to stick it to my mind: IT IS THE PEOPLE. (Not the cars, but I knew that before)

File 1311 In Command N Conquer 3

Just Photos from Banff or so, Vancouver, Iceland, 22.09.2010

Thats the village I slept in my car when I ran out of gas on my way from Banff to Vancouver after 13h of driving. I had the car accident on this day, just a few hours later - it's 6:30 am on this pictures.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Brazilian Bikini Hemorrhoids

Botschaft 14.9.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 14 September 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

You all know from the Holy Scripture that the Lord God has chosen Moses, God's people from out of trouble and out to strengthen and nourish the people with manna from heaven.

Similarly, God also chose Peter and all his followers to lead the people of God. Yes, he's the successor of Peter, where many workers to the side, so that they lead the people, as He wants it.

As in the Old Testament, the people began to murmur, rebelled against God and serve him no longer wanted the golden calf 'built and worshiped it, it happens today, even more terrible way to.

There are so many calves, like lust and Unchastity built and they even go so far as to the face of God, His own image, in the womb of the mother destroy! You, oh mother, ask: What kind of terrible machinations?

God will intervene against this terrible act to meet these many unborn souls meet!

luxury covers the whole world and no one can say. "I do not know what is happening in the world today"

Because they have no food to starve every day, many innocent children! And what do many of God's people? Take away the hungry, the fields and pastures and abuse the harvest for their luxury and leave the innocent people are dying of hunger!

Are not many terrible, golden calves "of them which are built?


What do these souls once to God when He speaks to them: "I was hungry and thirsty, but you gave me nothing, yes, did you let me die."

My beloved children:

Many volunteers who were given the Successor of Peter to the side to make, with their flocks, should lead to common cause. They begin to grumble and build a golden calf 'and business are different from God.

this terrible time!

The Lord has fed the herd with his own flesh and blood!

And what man does to you?

He will die the children, innocent of starvation!

God alone is just and His justice is terrible, if man is not converted, no bus service does and not his wealth, luxury, and his sinful actions stores. The sinner must turn in repentance and ask God for forgiveness, sharing and re-feed the hungry, the way God wants it.

The Lord is enough food for everyone! But the fearful avarice and luxury of keeping the people from the share. Everyone looks only for themselves, is selfish and he does not care if the small, innocent people perish, because it has nothing to eat!

My beloved children:

About Think these words well! You mother ask: What is worse, the golden calf 'in the Old Testament or the' golden calf 'in this day and age?

Think about it! Repent and be converted, because you have made you an accomplice, that so many children every day on the effects of famine have to, because it is not shared and each for only the look!

Oh, my children, that's terrible!

prayer, atonement and suffering, ask God for forgiveness and pray for everything that can be prevented and for all that would always be prevented.

My beloved children:

I know it's for you may be hard to understand all this. But you're seeing, and therefore acts accordingly! Ask God for your salvation for pity's sake!

Pray, pray, pray, because God will intervene now and then the cleaning will be terrible!

Again I ask you: What sin was greater than that in the Old Testament, or what is happening today and has already happened?


"Oh mother, we too are complicit in the death of so many children! We would for ourselves do not need very much, but we always cling firmly to the earthly. Oh mother, how can we make amends? Oh God, have mercy! DU DU you even give us time and again. We want to or can not even grasp that you let us always do so much good. Oh my God, we are worse than our ancestors. Oh God, have mercy!

Padre Pio, Brother Klaus, Sister Faustina:

you, you are silent and are full of mourning begins ... "

Now the suffering severe punishment for mass.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

How To Play Populas Multiplay Lan

I ♥ Able Autobody Walnut Grove

This sentence is worth a whole entry. THANK YOU!


What Coour Does Shagbands Reperesent

Vancouver's weird vibe, Vancouver, 18/10/2010

Until now, Vancouver is for me the city with the nicest police officers of the nicest police officer, the nicest tow types, the nicest accident partner, the cutest fireman and the nicest service people. Autobloedsinn in Vancouver? BE: Able Autobody Walnut Grove - beeest!

while now so nothing really, but as much as possible will be clarified by car, do I have not really but as much as possible to do in the City. Vancouver is HUGE, like times gone forward. Haha, just a centimeter on the map. Are just already 2 hours walking.

Vancouver is weird and a former hippie town, at least in part. Birthplace of Greenpeace and Robin Sparkles and long time due to the Neonverpestung by pilots as "the best lighted city" section.

I was thinking in Ontario already, there would be as many weirdos. Vancouver tops Whether this is probably the North American - reflects social system - Canadian? If, d ann it works well not quite. I've never seen so many personalities washed down, and I was not even in East Van, where a fall is - not only because of incorrect risk, but rather from Reputationsgruenden - to stay away.

On the other side - that is to the west - Vancouver is soooo stylish. Stylostylomatico, I already feel underdressed in food shopping, and I mean all - the "punks", Goths, normal people, Alternativos, Rueschentraegerinnen, Buisnesspeople. Then I bought me a new Leiberl, shame on me. And physically as close as the oebere paragraph and this one together, it is.

Otherwise I've said as yet not seen much of Vancouver, but it is very nice (Hippiebobo) enter the city. Tomorrow we hope to REALLY sunlotus.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How To Make Fluffies

horror story, 15.09.2010

Two nights in a hostel in Banff to decide to drive again. Walls made of paper, in front of the train window and does not close, somewhere in the nowhere that is not added difficulty here. Fog, rain, cold: No way hike.

soon as I make my way, the sun came out-what is that supposed to mean? The hostel is booked on the half way to Vancouver, looks nice, old railway carriages, directly on the lake (where I will never arrive). So I decide, on the HWY to shoot a few photos (Icefields Parkway is an attraction in itself) and yet to make a short hike.

And then I go on, it's nice to autumn, the sun is low and the clock back one hour when one gene border Alberta / BC comes. And I drive. And drive. And drive. Then go after 13 hours, I decide it had better at the gas station to ask: on the map looked cry, first part. Ages ago have taken the wrong turn and I am already two hours past the hostel, which has been closed for an hour. Internet? Not applicable. Number written down? Not me.

therefore Resolved, that I try at half past eleven in the night, the 330km to Vancouver to create more, I drive on. As it was, oh yeah gas station, oh yeah gasoline, oh yeah, here in the Canadian non yes 24 Pampa hours open, oh yeah, the tank is full to a quarter of me is was not quite bring to Vancouver. Even Hotels, for forgiveness, the hotel does, too. In the parking lot, before the gas pump, with pepper spray in hand, trying to sleep. They're OK.

Next morning gasoline, about the joy through the night, the clouds deep and shallow, the coffee, I go on towards Vancouver. Langley then gschwind a horrible breakfast, get out of the exit, crossing, the light is green then orange ...

and the car crashes the red in mine. And new. Motor. Shaky on the door. I ask her if everything is okay, it sits there and watches and then gets out, I'm so sorry, shit, she says, I do not know what to do. Me neither, I am from Europe.

to gas station, the friend and helper, and as the police . Call Which are fast because data written down, your car is driveable, I think so, no its not, look there some fluid dripping outta there. Who's to blame? I think I do. Wanted to turn left, go straight, but I think it was a bit too fast. Why I have not mentioned? She is nice, everything is controlled, do not worry about what happens now, you have friends here, we will take you? Wines, second part. The policeman, who would have the Navy of the 50's can be - blonde, nifty hair, white teeth trained, and angular face - is nice and now I have to pay not even punishment. In Austria, the lights are different, he understands that

The car towing human being takes looking for me with the repair company, and the repair guy out to me a hostel. In the next few days they let me know what I can do with the van. The repair guy, a couple of inches shorter than me, but great car, brings me to the SkyTrain can purely go to Vancouver.

wine 3 Part. I am tired, your neck hurts a bit. Such is, says the doctor.

now I'll get a beer first.

Bollywood Actresses Boobs In Cloth

Botschaft 7.9.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 7 September 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

Also today I call you again: Deletes the lights do not go out and let not the lamps. The oil is always ready. The oil-managers' are the bishops and priests. Unfortunately, there are many priests sons who hide the oil or pour it out. Woe to them once they are accountable have to pass!

happens in the darkness so much! The innocent, the new life is destroyed by teaching against the Scripture and the holy Ten Commandments! This is terrible, because the little ones are the favorites of God. Woe to those powers of darkness who do such things! Be ye therefore ready to light up the darkness with your light and go out to the smoking flax can not be!

your bishops and priests:

you have it especially in the hand. For you have received the order to give the oil the lamps so that they do not wipe! The eclipse will be terrible. Therefore, be always ready and does not retreat when they try to extinguish your light!

It is written: "! The darkness will destroy everything"

The few remain, the other facilities, again, light 'and so the innocent are saved from the darkness! Go forth, light in this world are, and not flinch. For I, your Mother, have you promised, whenever you ask me and sticking out your hand, I will lead you through this darkness!

But now the forces of darkness are great and they are trying to destroy everything!

why it takes courage and trust in God to remain in this terrible time steadfast!

My Children: will come soon and I bruise the serpent's head. Forecasts are still many lights go out, but not from our own guilt, but because they are deprived of the oil!

But there are many, extinguish the free will of its own light and share their earthly life to an end. This is terrible, because they too have received their reward!

only remorse and repentance in the Holy Sacrament of the buses can save you from severe guilt and sin, and so the soul can rise again!

The priests have the power to resolve to prevent, cure and death bring elevators.

Only a few left over, because it takes courage and strength and no fear of man, to counter these sins, and to take the floor to denounce the terrible celebrate the humanity and the governments.

Yes, and do such things even their own parents, by extinguish the unborn child again, in which the Lord has kindled the light!

This is terrible, because God creates man and He is the judge of life and death!

No one has the right to 'Life' to wipe out it was not yet born or is it already 'old', for God determines when a soul is born and when she comes home again!

Those who opposed the, doing terrible thing you can do what a man!

God alone is the Lord and He alone! Man must abide by His teachings and commandments. But like the Holy Gospel teaches, the bid must be taught and proclaimed!

My beloved children:

remains steadfast in this terrible night, because it will happen even more terrible! The eclipse will be great, Lamentations will prevail and the people who are so many nations are rising, as I announced some time ago.

But who hears my words and follow my instructions that I give to salvation, so that many can be saved? Unheard they fade in this world and this causes an infinitely large pain in my heart.

Go and fulfill your order and you, as you have received it from the Lord and in line with your skills. Differs not go back, but be courageously. So you also, many smoldering wick can re-ignite the flame. Is preceded by example. Be brave and follows the words of your dear mother, for she is very kind to you!

Pray, atone and sacrifice! So you can still contribute much to the rescue.


"Oh mother, we are so cowardly and soft and always come back. Hold firmly to your hand and ask us the Holy Spirit that He gives us strength to fulfill your order. Oh Mother, what have we done?

Padre Pio:

Again you ask your brother priests: Meets the request of the mother, for the account of every soul that is lost through your fault will be great!

Now the suffering severe punishment begins to mass.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

How To Write Invitation Letter For Lohri Festival

Well that's nagut na now have beautiful, Jasper, 09/12/2010

blurred Baer

rain, which everyone can

Yes because what ...


A couple of 30 Beds

I damn light junkie, well really now though. As drizzling a day and the world is bad, the Rockies Schirch and all, not only me to blame. And on the next the sun, one with seed Pia 'and animals, Peace and pancakes happypeppi joy.

Well then forget what I wrote yesterday, because this is already wow, huh. Autumn is also no longer gray, but green yellow orange and white and runs his little bit out continues, the tourists even more individually rather than in herds.

then up the hill, the liberation from the self-inflicted idleness, first flat, juicy, then steep and stony, white on top and. Mighty Mountains, forest, do so as if they were only on the big beautiful world. Until the start of the walk barely a spark could point to the man, it's cold and windy and cool and sunny. A 360-degree panorama that could not a picture book shows appropriate because genuine.

The going down is good because I was up, and funny, the muscle is then flew away. Miette Hot Springs after hiking, a pleasant drowsy, giant hot tub.

A good day.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pathophysio Of Scabies

Botschaft 31.8.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 31 August 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

pay attention to the many characters that happen now. pays particular attention to the darkness that prevails now. It is in the scriptures: ". The Lord will come like a thief in the night" so I ask you: Clear your lamps not be used.

Because so many people, the oil is denied, they decide, without any fault, the light. The oil, which are the holy sacraments; and these are entrusted to the bishops and priests. Many priests sons have thrown away the oil or they deny it for convenience.

All lamps, which the oil is denied expire, and therefore they can not see and know more.

Therefore, my beloved sons, priests, I ask you: Does your job! Go and give the lamp light again by their oil hineingiesst in it!

My Children:

As long as I'm coming to you to help, to ask you, and to blame. But only few listen to me! Prophets have always been sent out to call to repentance. But they were persecuted and even killed. And so it happens even today!

My beloved children: Are

vigilant, for now, the darkness will be even bigger! Let the light in your soul never go out, because without light, you are blind!

I am so sad, because now I get no more then, because that time is running out!

But today I call on you to be brave, steadfast and true! Not leave the narrow way! Give me your Hand, I'll take you and lead you through this terrible darkness!

The pride of Satan has gripped so many who listen to him and follow him. It is more convenient, so there are in this world, as the way to go to the buses.

Be steadfast! After all, you are often succumb to the world by doing her things that I have not taught you! Often you are full of fear of man! You step out, since you should find the teaching of the Lord proclaim in a loud voice!

As once Peter had lied when he should be accountable to the Lord, so you hide you if you should proclaim God's teachings! But you can also

back tears again see the Lord, if ye do buses and go back on track. The way I've always taught and shown. So be brave

showing transgress, and preach the kingdom of God. Is not different back when you pursue, you will laughed at or ostracized.

For what was added to the Lord? Was not he slandered, denied, excluded and ridiculed? Is about the servant above his master?

humility and perseverance are the virtues that make strong. So be faithful to stand firm and hold out at this time, now walking in the dark!

It will again be LIGHT !

Soon I will bruise the serpent's head!

Many will see again when they turn in repentance and repent!

The cleaning but is painful!

some extent, the new seed already sown. Faithful priests nourish these seeds and the light back alive, because they fulfill their mission of love and loyalty and in unity with the Successor of Peter!

Little children, this message will again encourage you! I'm your mother, and since you are my children!

But you have to my words to the Lord and always be true!

Be steadfast, I am here among you!

Together we are now celebrating the Holy Sacrifice and remember, your mother never leaves you when you call after you!


"Oh Mother, please do not go away, stay with us, or we perish. Only you, oh mother can, hold on to and through this darkness. Mother, please be with us forever and keep us more firmly to your hand.

Padre Pio:

you ask your brother priests: Meets the words of the Mother. Nourishes and strengthens the soul, pour oil into the lamps so that they do not expire, but find the way through this darkness. "

Now begins the serious suffering atonement for the holy mass.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Diapers As Punishment

What you see and what you get .. Jasper, Jasper 09/10/2010

what you see ...

and what you get

Spirit "Iceland"

Maligne Lake

a There! Rear (is that white as sunlight) on the right / center of the light of God!

Jasper Townsite (ca had a rather interesting looks)

Well, if this is not a prospect. Whistler's Trail (which I've only done half)

I think (!) Is Mount Robson, in the vicinity of the Tete Jaune Lodge on the way to Jasper

I wanted to Canada since I was 10 or 11. These photos have me back then thrown by the school chair, of course, especially those of the Rockies - that of the blue lakes, green trees and the white mountains. Maybe my expectations were too high, or I'm at the wrong time of year here, or I simply lack the people - but I'm a bit disappointed.

Above all, it is very different than I had imagined (nano naned). It is not lonely and municipal equal, it is a tourist destination or not. It is not juicy, it is dry, the autumn is not colorful, but gray, and Canada is not "more European", but rather American. I know that the pure wilderness-experience can easily and the "tourist-or-no-no" can flip quickly into the Canadian community as a Fleischlaberl loneliness. But for that you need people - I need people.

I know that among the images that have driven me in the drool from the mouth and at least one of spirit Iceland was here in Jasper. So I thought today that is: up and down!

up and down but looks like this: We crammed into a $ 55 expensive Schifferl with 46 old, coughing, limping package tourists, is 35 minutes zugequasselt of the hip head in a tour (thank God it was the iPod included) and then 10 minutes (!) the island, which is no photograph, are allowed. Then it bounces back In addition to the red-faced from Ontario and is the 35 minutes back talked.

intends to their defense, I omit not to say that it would give both an opportunity to explore Iceland Spirit on your own. You could rent a boat, the hinpaddeln nine hours for two, then camping overnight, then cook and full of adventure back again. But given. For two.
the moment I'm not sure if I would travel to take the decision himself again.

second Part of the hippie becoming: This place - Spirit Iceland - causes the Niagara Falls as well, a very evil feeling alone from the gaze on it ... there probably is something in all, eh,

Miette Hot Springs was nothing this time also.