Sunday, September 19, 2010

Brazilian Bikini Hemorrhoids

Botschaft 14.9.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 14 September 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

You all know from the Holy Scripture that the Lord God has chosen Moses, God's people from out of trouble and out to strengthen and nourish the people with manna from heaven.

Similarly, God also chose Peter and all his followers to lead the people of God. Yes, he's the successor of Peter, where many workers to the side, so that they lead the people, as He wants it.

As in the Old Testament, the people began to murmur, rebelled against God and serve him no longer wanted the golden calf 'built and worshiped it, it happens today, even more terrible way to.

There are so many calves, like lust and Unchastity built and they even go so far as to the face of God, His own image, in the womb of the mother destroy! You, oh mother, ask: What kind of terrible machinations?

God will intervene against this terrible act to meet these many unborn souls meet!

luxury covers the whole world and no one can say. "I do not know what is happening in the world today"

Because they have no food to starve every day, many innocent children! And what do many of God's people? Take away the hungry, the fields and pastures and abuse the harvest for their luxury and leave the innocent people are dying of hunger!

Are not many terrible, golden calves "of them which are built?


What do these souls once to God when He speaks to them: "I was hungry and thirsty, but you gave me nothing, yes, did you let me die."

My beloved children:

Many volunteers who were given the Successor of Peter to the side to make, with their flocks, should lead to common cause. They begin to grumble and build a golden calf 'and business are different from God.

this terrible time!

The Lord has fed the herd with his own flesh and blood!

And what man does to you?

He will die the children, innocent of starvation!

God alone is just and His justice is terrible, if man is not converted, no bus service does and not his wealth, luxury, and his sinful actions stores. The sinner must turn in repentance and ask God for forgiveness, sharing and re-feed the hungry, the way God wants it.

The Lord is enough food for everyone! But the fearful avarice and luxury of keeping the people from the share. Everyone looks only for themselves, is selfish and he does not care if the small, innocent people perish, because it has nothing to eat!

My beloved children:

About Think these words well! You mother ask: What is worse, the golden calf 'in the Old Testament or the' golden calf 'in this day and age?

Think about it! Repent and be converted, because you have made you an accomplice, that so many children every day on the effects of famine have to, because it is not shared and each for only the look!

Oh, my children, that's terrible!

prayer, atonement and suffering, ask God for forgiveness and pray for everything that can be prevented and for all that would always be prevented.

My beloved children:

I know it's for you may be hard to understand all this. But you're seeing, and therefore acts accordingly! Ask God for your salvation for pity's sake!

Pray, pray, pray, because God will intervene now and then the cleaning will be terrible!

Again I ask you: What sin was greater than that in the Old Testament, or what is happening today and has already happened?


"Oh mother, we too are complicit in the death of so many children! We would for ourselves do not need very much, but we always cling firmly to the earthly. Oh mother, how can we make amends? Oh God, have mercy! DU DU you even give us time and again. We want to or can not even grasp that you let us always do so much good. Oh my God, we are worse than our ancestors. Oh God, have mercy!

Padre Pio, Brother Klaus, Sister Faustina:

you, you are silent and are full of mourning begins ... "

Now the suffering severe punishment for mass.


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