Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Send Message When My Baby Is Born

Off to Vancouver Iceland ... not. Vancouver Iceland, 22.09.2010

Dan, Pia and problem child-Van

carrepairguy, Pia, cheesecake

OK, lets try this in English. Here's what happened: After the accident and findig out some other things about having a car I didn't like (yes, theres even more!), I tried to continue with my orginal plans and make it on the ferry to Vancouver Island. You wish, said the car, and stopped working. Right on the ferry lane. I had been driving for about an hour, I didn't even get lost, when suddenly the "service engine soon" light lit up. Hm. Then the battery light lit up. Then the speedo stopped working. When I came to the ticketofficehouse whatever its called, the window wouldn't go down. I'm sorry, my car is just breaking down, one ticket to Nanaimo and yes, it's just me. Why did I even do that?! 59 Dollars something, Lane 28 - oh no, thats 26, trying to go backwards. Haha. Not.
Calling the service line, do you need a jump start? First try, working for approximatley 10 Minutes. Second try, not working. Third try, I can make it to the end of the - just - very empty ferry lane number 28. Did I mention crying before?

Anyways. Thankfully Dan, nicest car mechanic ever, wrote his home number on the bill, so the first and only person I can think of is called. I'll come and pick you up in half an hour, he says. Arriving in a very different car than the last few times - yes, we have a bunch of them -Dan changes the battery, because it's wheter the battery or the altinator, whatever that means in German (Lichtmaschine) - the thing that charges the battery.

The car starts and I feel (kind of) relieved - we'll bring it back to the place I work and fix it tomorrow, just follow me, OK? Passing several yellow lights because of not wanting to hit the brakes - brake fluid leaking - we finally make it there. Have you heard of the Bodies exhibition? Let's go downtown! Exhibition awesome and I could at least invite him to it.

So where are you staying tonight? I don't know yet.
A couple of hours later, I am in the first private bedroom for me in weeks, finding soap and towels on the sheets. I can't believe it. First, I am making that guy work on a Sunday and now I can stay in his house. Watching a movie, going to bed, talking to a supernice family, eating cereals, watching How I met your mother and the being picked up for a fixed Van. Jap.
And even there: Do you want some cheesecake, my Mom's from Croatia and she made it, so where are you from, have some of the apple pie too, how old are you...

All this is just so awesome - despite the fact a car accident made it happen.

I am sad I didn't take pictures of all these people, since I am pretty sure that's... Canadian (not only for the 5-car-4-people household of Dan's family hehe).
But at least I got Dan and the carrepairguyidontknowhisname on a photo!

At the end of the day: Once more I realised thats it's the people who are crucial, who make the experience, the mood, and everything . What would have happened if that towtruck driver (supernice guy, too), who brought me to Able Auto Body, had taken me somewhere else? I don't even want to think about it.

So I am still sure this accident had something good - and if it's "just" the very last drop of glue to stick it to my mind: IT IS THE PEOPLE. (Not the cars, but I knew that before)


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