Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dentists Using Alloderm In The Uk

Botschaft 21.9.2010

Embassy of the Blessed Mother

Tuesday 21 September 2010 + + + AM / ass

My beloved children:

Also today I call you once again to repentance, sacrifice, prayer and reconciliation!

So many of you live in abundance and nobody can say he did not know that die every day as many children from the effects of hunger!

Give these Arms of your abundance!

Anyone who has enough to eat, so eat in abundance was suppose at one of these children so that each day gets his piece of bread, his bowl of rice and its drinking-water clear!

Tells them and sell not only the crumbs that fall from the table, but shares because you have enough to eat even more.

Sit down and for the image of God, because in this little innocent creature itself also reflects the image of God. Make sacrifices!

Was it and it's not as if she does every year the day on which the divine Son is born, and yes, you revel not there any Time in abundance and then each is not only the best of the best good enough?

Do you think too often the poor and the hungry? Did not the shepherds, who themselves had nothing to the divine child and brought him gifts, which they had saved from her mouth?

has not said the Lord: I was hungry, I was thirsty? Met her this request? Oh, no!

dignity of every person who has enough to eat, that share that must die from hunger, so everyone would have enough to live!

Oh, no, the man goes so far and will the poor, even the fields and fields planted this way and to put the food / crop for their luxury! Is not that terrible?

If the Lord does not punish such, see if He has, as his likeness is dying of hunger?

My beloved children:

I know there are harsh words, but satisfy the truth! Therefore exhort and I ask you to consider my words and act on them!

only victims, coaches, prayer and punishment are acceptable to the Lord.

Therefore, my beloved children, I will let you also later on, different way of thinking ', which you then should also take to heart!

My beloved children:

For today I ask you:

Each of you take on a poor child and you still have enough to live! only then that the prayers are effective!

Pray, sacrifice to atone and repent, because the world is on the brink!

Many have already died because they obeyed the words of the Lord and not only have served himself and the luxury!

Pray, sacrifice to atone and repent!

These are my words to you today and to all Christians of good will!


"Oh mother, we are selfish and only look to ourselves, although we would have enough by half. Oh mother, we often take your words seriously and not just go over them. Oh God, have mercy and help us that we are always ready to care for our neighbor, who is so helpless!

Padre Pio:

Again, you ask your brothers in the priesthood: "Proclaim to the world the words of the NUT and converts them into action. Only then can you find the treasures of the sky again. Go, calls, repent and make sacrifices with your sheep! Just as the Lord wants it and it is pleasing to Him. He takes the sacrifices of His glory and the salvation of all mankind. "

Now begins the very severe suffering atonement for the holy mass.


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